Inspired by Star Fragments from video games such as Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Animal Crossing: New Horizons, this fully 3D printed star shaped lamp uses a QT Py ESP32-S2 and NeoPixel LEDs to turn on when the sun rises and off when it sets.
The CircuitPython code uses the Open-Meteo weather API to get location data for requesting the sunrise and sunset times. This IoT project knows when to light up and turn off, effectively automating a nightstand lamp.
The core of the star fragment is a dodecahedron that has 12 hollow spikes that snap fit together and are 3D printed without any support material.
A 3D printed mount houses two NeoPixel stick PCBs and snap fits into the bottom of the dodecahedron.
Parts from Adafruit
Following parts are used in this project.
- QT Py ESP32-S2
- NeoPixel Driver BFF
- 2x NeoPixel Sticks
- 3-pin JST cable
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