Lite Tool Installation
If you just want to run Aurora without changing any code, you can download a pre-compiled release version of Aurora and a simple software tool to load it onto the Teensy 3.1. If you want to be able to compile Aurora to add your own patterns or tweak how it works, skip this section and do the full install.
Compiled Aurora Sketch
Download the compiled version of the latest Aurora release from GitHub. Extract the zip file.
There is an "sd" folder, which can be loaded onto a microSD card if you installed the microSD reader earlier. You can put the "aurora", "gifs", and "messages" folders into the root directory of the microSD card.
Find the Aurora.hex file in the "bin" folder. We will use this file in the next step.
Teensy Loader
To load a compiled sketch onto the Teensy 3.1 you need the Teensy Loader tool, which is available for Windows, OSX, and Linux here.
Install following the instructions for your platform.
Once the Teensy Loader is installed and running, choose "Open Hex File" under the "File" menu, and locate the Aurora.hex file.
Connect the Teensy 3.1 via a USB cable to your computer, and power on the display. Press the button on the Teensy 3.1 to program the Aurora sketch.
You should now see a menu displayed on the LED panel, which can be controlled with the IR remote.
Full Installation
Installing the tools and libraries needed to compile Aurora can take some time. The instructions are too long to include here, but are available on the Aurora Wiki.
Page last edited November 13, 2014
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