Using smaller needles, loosely CO 26 (28,30) stitches using the long-tail cast on, which is very stretchy.
Distribute sts on DPNs as follows: 8:10:8 (8:12:8, 10:10:10).
Join to work in the round (be careful not to twist the row) and work in K1, P1 rib for 18 rnds.
If you've got 'em, DPNs one size smaller than your main needles will create a stretchier, snugger rib at the cuffs of your mittens.
Next round: *K4, M1* three times, K6, *M1, K4* twice, M1, K0 (2,4) for a total of 32 (34, 36) stitches.
Next round: Knit.
Thumb gusset
Round 1:
- Left mitten: K to last 4 sts, PM, M1, K1, M1, PM, K3 for a total of 34 (36, 38) sts.
- Right mitten: K3, PM, M1, K1, M1, PM, K to end of row for a total of 34 (36, 38) sts.
Round 2: K even.
Round 3: K to marker, SM, M1, K to next marker, M1, SM, K to end of row for a total of 36 (38, 40) sts.
Repeat rounds 2 and 3 four more times (five increase rows) for a toal of 44 (46, 48) sts.
Next round:
- Left mitten: K to marker, remove marker, slip 10 sts onto waste yarn, knit to marker, remove marker, K to end leaving a total of 34 (36, 40) total sts.
- Right mitten: K to marker, remove marker, K3, slip 10 sts onto waste yarn, remove marker, K to end leaving a total of 34 (36, 40) total sts.
Tie the scrap yarn loosely enough to slip over the largest part of your thumb. Try it on now-- fun!
K 10 rnds even.
Pick up conductive yarn and hold together with regular yarn as a single strand for the remainder of the hand.
K even for 6 (10,14) rows or until the knitting reaches the base of the nail on your pinky finger.
Next round: *K1, SSK, K11 (12, 13), K2tog, K1* twice for a total of 30 (32, 34) sts.
Knit 3 rnds even
Next round: *K1, SSK, K9 (10, 11), K2tog, K1* twice for a total of 26 (28, 30) sts.
Knit 2 rnds even.
Next round: *K1, SSK, K7 (8, 9), K2tog, K1* twice for a total of 22 (24, 26) sts.
Knit 1 round even.
Next round: *K1, SSK, K5 (6, 7), K2tog, K1* twice for a total of 18 (20, 22) sts.
Knit 1 round even.
Next round: *K1, SSK, K3 (4, 5), K2tog, K1* twice for a total of 14 (16, 18) sts.
Cut yarn, leaving a 12in tail. Thread the tail onto a tapestry needle and thread through all stitches once without removing from the DPNs, then thread through all stitches again, removing the needles as you go.
Pull tail to tighten and weave in end.
Move 10 thumb sts to DPNs and discard waste yarn.
Using new strand of main yarn, pick up 4 (6, 8) sts knitwise along inside of thumb (14 sts on needles).
PM for BOR.
K 13(15,17) rounds even, or until thumb sts just cover tip of thumb.
Next round: (K2tog) around.
Cut yarn, leaving a 12-inch tail. Thread yarn onto tapestry needle and thread TWICE through
remaining stitches, removing the needles at the end. Pull yarn tight.
Turn inside out and weave in ends with a tapestry needle before cutting tails short.
Page last edited January 15, 2015
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