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Skill Badge Sash
Project guide
Collecting maker skill badges is fun, but you need a place to display them! Sure, you could put them on your backpack, but we'd like to show you how to make this easy sash to celebrate all the skills you've earned.
Download the free PDF pattern for this sash and print it out (it's 3 pages- one size fits most kids). It's printed with a bit of overlap on each piece so that you can easily tile the pieces together into one sheet.
Cut off the margin on one overlapping piece of the pattern.
Overlap the newly cut piece and line up the pattern with its corresponding neighbor.
Tape the pattern pieces together. Repeat with the remaining piece of paper.
Cut around the border of the paper pattern.
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Pin the pattern to your fabric. You want four pieces total, so here I have pinned and cut two layers at a time and I will repeat on a different area of fabric.
If your fabric is big enough, you can cut all four layers at once, or cut four layers with the shoulder seam (marked on the pattern) on the fold.
Get ready to sew at the shoulder seam if you didn't cut it on the fold-- make two stacks of two fabric layers each.
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Stitch a seam all the way across one shoulder, and at either end of the other shoulder seam, leaving a space for turning it right side out later. Check out the illustration above.
Line up the right sides of your sash-length pieces.
Pin all around the edges, and pin the shoulder seam allowances open.
Stitch around the pinned perimeter.
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Cut notches in the convex side and slits in the concave sides of the sash's curves. Cut off the sharp corner point. All this will allow the seam allowance to accommodate for the shape it will take once the sash is turned right side out.
Turn the sash right side out by pulling the ends through the hole you left open in the shoulder seam.
Use a chopstick to give definition to the points at the ends of the sash and get ready to press it.
Press your sash with the iron! You can close up the hole in the shoulder seam by hand, or just leave it as-is on the inside of the sash.
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Iron on your skill badges and wear your sash with pride.
Use a safety pin or a favorite button to secure the ends of the sash together. In this way the sash is adjustable!
The sash is designed to fit most kids but may also fit some smaller ladies. Thanks to Liberty for modeling!
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