Every Wednesday at 7:30 pm United States Eastern Time.
How to Join (Please Read This Entire Page Before You Look to Go On)
To show and share your project, view the chat in Discord in the #live-broadcast-chat topic. Look for the link in the chat window to join the StreamYard chat at the start time and throughout the broadcast.
Here's StreamYard's suggested hardware
Setup for best results:
- Be sure your webcam/camera and microphone is working with your computer
- Try to be on a wired Internet connection for the best streaming speed
- Be sure you are in an area that has good lighting to best show you and your work
- Use of a headset and microphone is preferable over use of speakers and mic
- You can see what others may be discussing in Discord if you have it started beforehand (see the how-to below)
The screen below will come up starting StreamYard. Please enter your name and test your camera and microphone. Then click Enter Studio.
If You Plan to use Multiple Cameras with OBS (advanced)
If you intend to use OBS to share your screen & webcam (multiple cameras), you should use the OBS Virtual Camera device to switch between devices or scenes rather than having the host do so.
When you are on
- You will be "Backstage", a waiting place until you are called on. See picture below.
- Please mute your microphone until called on.
- When you are backstage, you can only be seen by the host, you are not seen on the stream until the host shows you.
When You Are On
- Be sure to unmute your microphone for your turn.
- Clearly describe what you've been working on.
- Keep your turn to around 3 minutes so everyone has a chance to share.
When you are done, disconnect so someone else may join backstage.
Wrapping Up
The program ends by around 7:55 pm Eastern so the Ask an Engineer show can start at 8 PM.
If there are more people that time allows, please try to join the following week.
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