After rebooting the Pi, allow a minute or two for it to start up and manifest the wireless network. Look for it using another computer, a phone or a tablet…it should appear under the WiFi network list, with the name you assigned earlier.
If the Pi’s wireless network does not appear…
- If using 5 GHz mode (802.11a), edit the hostapd.conf file and try a different channel, using the list mentioned earlier for recommendations. Reboot, wait and check for it again.
- Also if using 5 GHz: does the 2-letter country_code value match what you passed to raspi-config nonint? If not, fix one or the other.
- If the device you’re testing from only supports the earlier 2.4 GHz WiFi modes, a 5 GHz network won’t be visible at all. You may need to go back in and set hw_mode=g and channel=11 or something else.
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