Here is a guide describing how to set up feeds at Adafruit IO. However, since SMS is set up, there is an easier way to do this. Just set up feeds by texting the number received in the last step.
Send a text message to the number you were given in the last step with the name of the feed you want to set up. Keep it simple -- you'll need to type this name every time you update the sign. I called mine "text".
Adafruit IO will text back with the message "No data", telling us that we now have an empty feed called "text" with no data in it.
Send a second message in the format "feed name, data" -- in my case, I sent "Text, hello world". This creates an entry in the "Text" feed I just set up with a value of "hello world".
"Hello world" will now be the message that scrolls across the panel.
Let's see if that worked. Head to your Adafruit IO account and click the "feeds" tab. You should see a new feed called "Text" with a value of "Hello World".
Adding More Messages
To add more values to this feed, send more text messages in the format "feed, value" -- so,
- text, drink specials $10
- text, homework time
- text, home in 20 minutes
The most recent message you sent will appear on the matrix.
Color Choices
The code also gives options for color choices. Create called "color" and populate it with your favorite colors in hex format. Send the hex code (including the #), not the color name. I've included some common ones here for reference.
The code as written will choose a random color from your list each time the message scrolls.
- Red: #FF0000
- Green: #00FF00
- Blue: #0000FF
- Yellow: #FFFF00
- Cyan: #00FFFF
- Magenta: #FF00FF
- White: #FFFFFF
- Gray: #808080
- Orange: #FFA500
- Purple: #800080
- Brown: #A52A2A
- Pink: #FFC0CB
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