We spend a third of our lives sleeping, and the quality of our sleep can have a big impact on how we feel during the day. Of course, being that we're asleep during that time, it makes it hard to accurately gauge how comfortable we are at the moment. Sleep studies are one way to get accurate data - but they're a big deal to run! Could we DIY?
Monitoring a sleep environment combined with heart rate data can tell us a lot about our needs. Here are some things that Schluff can do to help you maximize your nighty rest.
Temperature - The ideal sleeping temperature is claimed to be on the cooler side near 65F. Sleeping at temperatures too far from that should result in reduced duration and quality of sleep.
Humidity - Ideally 45%, but anywhere between 30-50% humidity can offer a good nights rest.
Light / Lux - You want these both to read zero during sleep. Recording light levels through the night can help pinpoint regular light disturbances (car headlights, full moon, porch lights, etc).
Noise - Did something go bump in the night? Is it quieter tonight than other nights? Did you wake yourself up again from snoring too loud? Maybe your partner is the noise maker?
Heart Rate - How low can you go? Ideal heart rates will vary from person to person, but generally a low resting heart rate means you are recovered and ready to go. A higher than normal heart rate indicates that you need additional rest. HR can also be used to indicate different states of sleep with REM having an irregular HR and the light and deep having lower more stable heart rates.
Page last edited October 20, 2016
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