Getting Familiar
CircuitPython is a programming language based on Python, one of the fastest growing programming languages in the world. It is specifically designed to simplify experimenting and learning to code on low-cost microcontroller boards. Here are some guides which cover the basics:
- Welcome to CircuitPython!
- Adafruit Feather M4 Express (or whichever board you have chosen)
Be sure you have the latest CircuitPython loaded onto your board per the second guide.
CircuitPython is easiest to use within the Mu Editor. If you haven't previously used Mu, this guide will get you started.
Download Library Files
Plug your Feather M4 Express board into your computer via a USB cable. Please be sure the cable is a good power+data cable so the computer can talk to the Feather board.
A new disk should appear in your computer's file explorer/finder called CIRCUITPY. This is the place we'll copy the code and code library. If you can only get a drive named CPLAYBOOT, load CircuitPython per the guide above.
Create a new directory on the CIRCUITPY drive named lib.
Download the latest CircuitPython driver package to your computer using the green button below. Match the library you get to the version of CircuitPython you are using. Save to your computer's hard drive where you can find it.
With your file explorer/finder, browse to the bundle and open it up. I advise simply copying all of the libraries to your CIRCUITPY /lib directory. You can interact with conceivably any of the libraries with the right wrapper file, so why limit yourself. The M4 boards have plenty of flash to hold it all.
Getting it
This guide isn't going to do a code walkthrough. Norvig's Lispy pages do that. You can get the code from GitHub, select Project Zip to get the entire project's files in one Zip file.
""" Scheme Interpreter in CircuitPython Based on (c) Peter Norvig, 2010; See Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code. Please support Adafruit and open source hardware by purchasing products from Adafruit! Written by Dave Astels for Adafruit Industries Copyright (c) 2019 Adafruit Industries Licensed under the MIT license. All text above must be included in any redistribution. """ # Initially we'll avoid all pylint's complaints. # Over time we'll bring it in line. # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order,no-member,missing-docstring,invalid-name # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,multiple-statements,too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements,no-else-return,bad-whitespace # pylint: disable=superfluous-parens,exec-used,wrong-import-position # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda,multiple-imports # pylint: disable=misplaced-comparison-constant,too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value,unnecessary-semicolon # pylint: disable=broad-except,bad-continuation ################ Symbol, Procedure, classes import re, sys from io import StringIO import gc class Symbol(str): pass def Sym(s, symbol_table={}): """Find or create unique Symbol entry for str s in symbol table. Returns the symbol. :param s: the string form of the desired symbol :param symbol_table: The symbol table (dictionary) to look up in, defaults to an empty dict. """ if s not in symbol_table: symbol_table[s] = Symbol(s) return symbol_table[s] # Create some builtin sysmols _quote, _if, _cond, _set, _define, _lambda, _begin, _definemacro, = map(Sym, "quote if cond set! define lambda begin define-macro".split()) _quasiquote, _unquote, _unquotesplicing = map(Sym, "quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing".split()) class Procedure(object): "A user-defined Scheme procedure." def __init__(self, parms, exp, env): """Create a procedure. :param parms: parameter names :param exp: The expression for the body of the procedure :param env: The lexical environment to which the procedure belongs """ self.parms, self.exp, self.env = parms, exp, env def __call__(self, *args): """Evaluate a procedure. :param args: the arguments for the procedure evaluation """ return eval(self.exp, Env(self.parms, args, self.env)) ################ parse, read, and user interaction def parse(inport): """Parse a program: read and expand/error-check it. :param inport: where to parse from """ # Backwards compatibility: given a str, convert it to an InPort if isinstance(inport, str): inport = InPort(StringIO(inport)) return expand(read(inport), toplevel=True) eof_object = Symbol('#<eof-object>') # Note: uninterned; can't be read class InPort(object): "An input port. Retains a line of chars." tokenizer = r""" *(,@|[('`,)]|"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"|;.*|[^ ('"`,;)]*)(.*)""" def __init__(self, afile): """Create a new InPort. :param afile: the file-like object that characters will come from """ self._file = afile self.line = '' def next_token(self): """Return the next token, reading new text into line buffer if needed.""" while True: if self.line == '': self.line = self._file.readline() if self.line == '': return eof_object self.line = self.line.strip() m = re.match(InPort.tokenizer, self.line) token = self.line = if token != '' and not token.startswith(';'): return token def readchar(inport): """Read and return the next character from an input port. :param inport: Where to read from """ if inport.line != '': ch, inport.line = inport.line[0], inport.line[1:] return ch else: return or eof_object def read(inport): """Read a Scheme expression from an input port. :param inport: where to read from """ def read_ahead(token): if '(' == token: L = [] while True: token = inport.next_token() if token == ')': return L else: L.append(read_ahead(token)) elif ')' == token: raise SyntaxError('unexpected )') elif token in quotes: return [quotes[token], read(inport)] elif token is eof_object: raise SyntaxError('unexpected EOF in list') else: return atom(token) # body of read: token1 = inport.next_token() return eof_object if token1 is eof_object else read_ahead(token1) quotes = {"'":_quote, "`":_quasiquote, ",":_unquote, ",@":_unquotesplicing} def atom(token): """Convert a token to its corresponding atomic value. Numbers become numbers; #t and #f are booleans; "..." string; otherwise Symbol. :param token: the token to convert""" if token == '#t': return True elif token == '#f': return False elif token[0] == '"': return token[1:-1]#.decode('string_escape') try: return int(token) except ValueError: try: return float(token) except ValueError: return Sym(token) def to_string(x): """Convert a Python object back into a Lisp-readable string. :param x: the object to convert""" if x is True: return "#t" elif x is False: return "#f" elif isa(x, Symbol): return str(x) # elif isa(x, str): # return '"%s"' % x.encode('string_escape').replace('"',r'\"') elif isa(x, str): return '"%s"' % x.replace('"',r'\"') elif isa(x, list): return '('+' '.join(map(to_string, x))+')' else: return str(x) def load(filename): """Eval every expression from a file. :param filename: the name of the file to load """ if not filename.endswith('.scm'): filename = filename + '.scm' inport = InPort(open(filename)) while True: try: x = parse(inport) if x is eof_object: return eval(x) except Exception as e: sys.print_exception(e) ############ REPL history support history_max_size = 40 history = [] def add_to_history(line): """Add a line to the REPL history. :param line: the line to be added """ global history if line and (not history or history[0] != line): history = history[:history_max_size - 1] history.insert(0, line.strip()) def get_history(offset): """Retrieve a line from the history. :param offset: The index into the history; 0 is the most recent and larger offsets are older """ if offset < 0 or offset >= len(history): return '' return history[offset] def repl(): "A read-eval-print loop with readline-like behavior." input = '' line = '' index = 0 ctrl_c_seen = False while True: # for each line try: if input: prompt = '... ' else: prompt = '==> ' sys.stdout.write(prompt) index = 0 line = '' history_offset = -1 while True: # for each character ch = ord( # if ch == 3: # CTRL-C # print('ctrl-c from ch == 3') # if ctrl_c_seen: # return # ctrl_c_seen = True # input = '' # sys.stdout.write('\n') # break ctrl_c_seen = False if 32 <= ch <= 126: # printable character line = line[:index] + chr(ch) + line[index:] index += 1 elif ch in {10, 13}: # EOL - try to process if input: input = input + ' ' + line.strip() else: input = line.strip() add_to_history(line.strip()) line = '' try: x = parse(input) if x is eof_object: raise SyntaxError('unexpected EOF in list') val = eval(x) if val is not None: sys.stdout.write('\n{0}'.format(to_string(val))) input = '' except SyntaxError as e: if str(e) != 'unexpected EOF in list': sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.write(str(e)) input = '' sys.stdout.write('\n') break ##################### elif ch == 1: # CTRL-A: start of line index = 0 elif ch == 5: # CTRL-E: end of line index = len(line) ##################### elif ch == 2: # CTRL-B: back a word while index > 0 and line[index-1] == ' ': index -= 1 while index > 0 and line[index-1] != ' ': index -= 1 elif ch == 6: # CTRL-F: forward a word while index < len(line) and line[index] == ' ': index += 1 while index < len(line) and line[index] != ' ': index += 1 ##################### elif ch == 4: # CTRL-D: delete forward if index < len(line): line = line[:index] + line[index+1:] elif ch == 11: # CTRL-K: clear to end of line line = line[:index] elif ch in {8, 127}: # backspace/DEL if index > 0: line = line[:index - 1] + line[index:] index -= 1 ##################### elif ch == 20: # CTRL-T: transpose characters if index > 0 and index < len(line): ch1 = line[index - 1] ch2 = line[index] line = line[:index - 1] + ch2 + ch1 + line[index + 1:] ##################### elif ch == 27: # ESC next1, next2 = ord(, ord( if next1 == 91: # [ if next2 == 68: # left arrow if index > 0: index -= 1 else: sys.stdout.write('\x07') elif next2 == 67: # right arrow if index < len(line): index += 1 else: sys.stdout.write('\x07') elif next2 == 66: # down arrow if history_offset > -1: history_offset -= 1 line = get_history(history_offset) index = len(line) else: sys.stdout.write('\x07') elif next2 == 65: # up arrow if history_offset < len(history) - 1: history_offset += 1 line = get_history(history_offset) index = len(line) else: sys.stdout.write('\x07') else: print('Unknown character: {0}'.format(ch)) # Update screen sys.stdout.write("\x1b[1000D") # Move all the way left sys.stdout.write("\x1b[0K") # Clear the line sys.stdout.write(prompt) sys.stdout.write(line) sys.stdout.write("\x1b[1000D") # Move all the way left again sys.stdout.write("\x1b[{0}C".format(len(prompt) + index)) # Move cursor too index # sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: if ctrl_c_seen: return ctrl_c_seen = True input = '' sys.stdout.write('\n') except Exception as e: sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.print_exception(e) sys.stdout.write('\n') input = '' ################ Environment class class Env(object): "An environment: a dict of {'var':val} pairs, with an outer Env." def __init__(self, parms=(), args=(), outer=None): # Bind parm list to corresponding args, or single parm to list of args = {} self.outer = outer if isa(parms, Symbol):{str(parms):list(args)}) else: if len(args) != len(parms): raise TypeError('expected %s, given %s, ' % (to_string(parms), to_string(args))) try:[str(p) for p in parms],args)) except TypeError as e: sys.print_exception(e) def find(self, var): "Find the innermost Env where var appears." if str(var) in return self elif self.outer is None: raise LookupError(str(var)) else: return self.outer.find(var) def is_pair(x): return x != [] and isa(x, list) def cons(x, y): return [x]+y def callcc(proc): "Call proc with current continuation; escape only" ball = RuntimeWarning("Sorry, can't continue this continuation any longer.") def throw(retval): ball.retval = retval; raise ball try: return proc(throw) except RuntimeWarning as w: if w is ball: return ball.retval else: raise w def mod_vars(mod): names = [i for i in dir(mod) if i[0] != '_'] values = [getattr(mod, i) for i in names] return dict(zip(names, values)) def add_globals(self): "Add some Scheme standard procedures." import math, operator as op # self.update(mod_vars(cmath)){ '+':op.add, '-':op.sub, '*':op.mul, '/':op.truediv, 'not':op.not_, '>', '<', '>=', '<=':op.le, '=':op.eq, 'equal?':op.eq, 'eq?':op.is_, 'length':len, 'cons':cons, 'car':lambda x:x[0], 'cdr':lambda x:x[1:], 'append':op.add, 'list':lambda *x:list(x), 'list?': lambda x:isa(x,list), 'null?':lambda x:x==[], 'symbol?':lambda x: isa(x, Symbol), 'boolean?':lambda x: isa(x, bool), 'pair?':is_pair, 'port?': lambda x:isa(x,file), 'apply':lambda proc,l: proc(*l), 'eval':lambda x: eval(expand(x)), 'load':lambda fn: load(fn), 'call/cc':callcc, 'open-input-file':open,'close-input-port':lambda p: p.file.close(), 'open-output-file':lambda f:open(f,'w'), 'close-output-port':lambda p: p.close(), 'eof-object?':lambda x:x is eof_object, 'read-char':readchar, 'read':read, 'write':lambda x,port=sys.stdout:port.write(to_string(x)), 'display':lambda x,port=sys.stdout:port.write(x if isa(x,str) else to_string(x)), 'newline':lambda port=sys.stdout:port.write("\n")}) return self isa = isinstance global_env = add_globals(Env()) ################ eval (tail recursive) def eval(x, env=global_env): "Evaluate an expression in an environment." while True: if isa(x, Symbol): # variable reference return env.find(str(x)).storage[str(x)] elif not isa(x, list): # constant literal return x elif x[0] is _quote: # (quote exp) (_, exp) = x return exp elif x[0] is _if: # (if test conseq alt) (_, test, conseq, alt) = x x = (conseq if eval(test, env) else alt) elif x[0] is _cond: # (cond (test code)...) for clause in x[1:]: if eval(clause[0], env): for exp in clause[1:-1]: eval(exp, env) x = clause[-1] break elif x[0] is _set: # (set! var exp) (_, var, exp) = x env.find(var).storage[str(var)] = eval(exp, env) return None elif x[0] is _define: # (define var exp) (_, var, exp) = x[str(var)] = eval(exp, env) return None elif x[0] is _lambda: # (lambda (var*) exp) (_, vars, exp) = x return Procedure(vars, exp, env) elif x[0] is _begin: # (begin exp+) for exp in x[1:-1]: eval(exp, env) x = x[-1] else: # (proc exp*) exps = [eval(exp, env) for exp in x] proc = exps.pop(0) if isa(proc, Procedure): x = proc.exp env = Env(proc.parms, exps, proc.env) else: return proc(*exps) ################ expand def expand(x, toplevel=False): "Walk tree of x, making optimizations/fixes, and signaling SyntaxError." require(x, x!=[], "Empty list can't be expanded") # () => Error if not isa(x, list): # constant => unchanged return x elif x[0] is _quote: # (quote exp) require(x, len(x)==2) return x elif x[0] is _if: if len(x)==3: x = x + [None] # (if t c) => (if t c None) require(x, len(x)==4) return list(map(expand, x)) elif x[0] is _cond: require(x, len(x) > 1) for clause in x[1:]: require (clause, len(clause) >= 2) return list(map(expand, x)) elif x[0] is _set: require(x, len(x)==3); var = x[1] # (set! non-var exp) => Error require(x, isa(var, Symbol), "can set! only a symbol") return [_set, var, expand(x[2])] elif x[0] is _define or x[0] is _definemacro: require(x, len(x)>=3) _def, v, body = x[0], x[1], x[2:] if isa(v, list) and v: # (define (f args) body) f, args = v[0], v[1:] # => (define f (lambda (args) body)) return expand([_def, f, [_lambda, args]+body]) else: require(x, len(x)==3) # (define non-var/list exp) => Error require(x, isa(v, Symbol), "can define only a symbol") exp = expand(x[2]) if _def is _definemacro: require(x, toplevel, "define-macro only allowed at top level") proc = eval(exp) require(x, callable(proc), "macro must be a procedure") macro_table[v] = proc # (define-macro v proc) return None # => None; add v:proc to macro_table return [_define, v, exp] elif x[0] is _begin: if len(x)==1: return None # (begin) => None else: return [expand(xi, toplevel) for xi in x] elif x[0] is _lambda: # (lambda (x) e1 e2) require(x, len(x)>=3) # => (lambda (x) (begin e1 e2)) vars, body = x[1], x[2:] require(x, (isa(vars, list) and all(isa(v, Symbol) for v in vars)) or isa(vars, Symbol), "illegal lambda argument list") exp = body[0] if len(body) == 1 else [_begin] + body return [_lambda, vars, expand(exp)] elif x[0] is _quasiquote: # `x => expand_quasiquote(x) require(x, len(x)==2) return expand_quasiquote(x[1]) elif isa(x[0], Symbol) and x[0] in macro_table: return expand(macro_table[x[0]](*x[1:]), toplevel) # (m arg...) else: # => macroexpand if m isa macro return list(map(expand, x)) # (f arg...) => expand each def require(x, predicate, msg="wrong length"): "Signal a syntax error if predicate is false." if not predicate: raise SyntaxError(to_string(x)+': '+msg) _append, _cons, _let = map(Sym, "append cons let".split()) def expand_quasiquote(x): """Expand `x => 'x; `,x => x; `(,@x y) => (append x y) """ if not is_pair(x): return [_quote, x] require(x, x[0] is not _unquotesplicing, "can't splice here") if x[0] is _unquote: require(x, len(x)==2) return x[1] elif is_pair(x[0]) and x[0][0] is _unquotesplicing: require(x[0], len(x[0])==2) return [_append, x[0][1], expand_quasiquote(x[1:])] else: return [_cons, expand_quasiquote(x[0]), expand_quasiquote(x[1:])] def let(*args): args = list(args) x = cons(_let, args) require(x, len(args)>1) bindings, body = args[0], args[1:] require(x, all(isa(b, list) and len(b)==2 and isa(b[0], Symbol) for b in bindings), "illegal binding list") vars, vals = zip(*bindings) return [[_lambda, list(vars)]+list(map(expand, body))] + list(map(expand, vals)) macro_table = {_let:let} ## More macros can go here ################ core builtins eval(parse("""(begin (define-macro and (lambda args (if (null? args) #t (if (= (length args) 1) (car args) `(if ,(car args) (and ,@(cdr args)) #f))))) (define-macro or (lambda args (if (null? args) #f (if (= (length args) 1) (car args) `(if (not ,(car args)) (or ,@(cdr args)) #t))))) (define-macro when (lambda args `(if ,(car args) (begin ,@(cdr args))))) (define-macro unless (lambda args `(if (not ,(car args)) (begin ,@(cdr args))))) ;; More macros can also go here )""")) ################ hardware builtins import time import board import busio from adafruit_bus_device.i2c_device import I2CDevice import digitalio import analogio board_pins = mod_vars(board) def get_board_pins(): return list(board_pins.keys()) def get_pin(pin_name): try: return board_pins[pin_name] except KeyError: print('{0} is not a valid pin name'.format(pin_name)) return None def make_digital_pin(pin, direction, pull=None): p = digitalio.DigitalInOut(pin) p.direction = direction if direction is digitalio.Direction.INPUT: p.pull = pull return p def make_analog_pin(pin, direction): if direction is digitalio.Direction.INPUT: p = analogio.AnalogIn(pin) else: p = analogio.AnalogOut(pin) return p def set_pin_value(pin, value): pin.value = value def get_pin_value(pin): return pin.value def i2c_bus(scl, sda): return busio.I2C(scl, sda) def i2c_device(i2c, address): return I2CDevice(i2c, address) def execfile(f): exec(open(f).read()) def load_device(device_driver_name): try: execfile('./devices/{0}.py'.format(device_driver_name)) except OSError: pass try: load('./devices/{0}.scm'.format(device_driver_name)) except OSError: pass{ 'load-device':load_device, 'board-pins':get_board_pins, 'board':get_pin, 'digital-pin':make_digital_pin, 'analog-pin':make_analog_pin, '**INPUT**':digitalio.Direction.INPUT, '**OUTPUT**':digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT, '**PULLUP**':digitalio.Pull.UP, '**PULLDOWN**':digitalio.Pull.DOWN, 'pin-value':get_pin_value, 'pin-value!':set_pin_value, 'i2c':i2c_bus, 'sleep':time.sleep }) if __name__ == '__main__': print('CircuitScheme version 1.0: {0} bytes free.\n'.format(gc.mem_free())) try: load("code") except OSError: pass repl()
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