The Ultimaker 2+ is one of our favorite 3D printers on the market. It's a well-built open-source compact machine with an excellent UX. Every inch of the...
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Having a 3D printer without filament is sort of like having a regular printer without paper or ink. And while a lot of printers come with some filament there's a good chance...
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Having a 3D printer without filament is sort of like having a regular printer without paper or ink. And while a lot of printers come with some filament there's a good chance...
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Having a 3D printer without filament is sort of like having a regular printer without paper or ink. And while a lot of printers come with some filament there's a good chance...
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Known by engineers for making excellent quality tools & soldering irons! This is a genuine Hakko FX-888D with digital temperature control! We worked hard to get...
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Look, over there at that thing! Take it apart! You can now attack just about every kind of box or enclosure that needs undoing with this 38-bit screwdriver set. This set is fine...
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These are the best diagonal cutters, large super-comfortable grip to use and have strong nippers for perfect trimming of wires and leads. I've used my pair every day for years.
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One of our star development boards is the Adafruit METRO Mini 328, an excellent lil fellow that lets you make your Arduino-based project...
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This SHARP distance sensor bounces IR off objects to determine how far away they are. It returns an analog voltage that can be used to determine how close the nearest object is. Comes...
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Need to make a tiny robot? This little micro servo rotates 360 degrees fully forward or backward, instead of moving to a single position. You can use any servo code, hardware,...
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Add more power to your robot with this metal-geared MG90D servo. The tiny little servo can rotate approximately 90 degrees (45 in each direction) and works just like the standard...
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This is a tiny little breadboard... half the size of a half-size breadboard! As of Sep 8, 2022 - This Tiny breadboard has been updated to make plugging and...
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Breakaway header is like the duct tape of electronics, and this header is one better with extra long pins on both sides. This makes it great for connecting things together that...
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Perfect for bread-boarding, free wiring, etc. This spool of solid-core wire is easy to solder to. When bent it keeps its shape pretty well. We like to have a few spools of this stuff...
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Perfect for bread-boarding, free wiring, etc. This spool of solid-core wire is easy to solder to. When bent it keeps its shape pretty well. We like to have a few spools of this stuff...
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Heat shrink is the duct tape of electronics, it keeps your stuff all safe and kept together. Especially when wiring and soldering, use heat shrink to add mechanical strength to cables....
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Battery power for your portable project! These batteries are good quality at a good price, and work fantastic with any of the kits or projects in the shop that use AAA's. This...
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