(New to soldering? There's a guide for that!)
Solder male headers on the two Feathers and the FeatherWing, with the long pins sticking out the bottom. (Also shown: The Micro SD card & wireless keyboard receiver have been inserted.)
Solder female headers on the top of the FeatherWing Tripler, noting the small outlines which show where the long & the short headers must be placed. (Also shown: these are the locations where you'll later screw the tripler into the 3D printed bracket.)
Insert the boards in the feather tripler, double checking orientation and position. The order can be whatever you like. Take care, and make sure all the pins make good contact. If the connections are "off by one", the electronics can become damaged.
There are several cable connections needed. Connect a USB C power / data cable to just one of the feathers. The second feather receives power via the Feather Tripler.
When you upload code to one of the feathers, make sure the USB C cable is plugged into the correct one. If you make a mistake, no fear: just re-program both feathers to get the software back in the right place.
Connect a HDMI cable from the HDMI Feather to the HDMI monitor of your choice. Here, it's connected to the 5" display backpack.
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