The Feather M0 Express board acts as the brains of the operation, since it has the perfect amount of pins to control the LCD, analog potentiometers and NeoPixels. The three potentiometers that are controlling the RGB values are connected to analog pins 0, 1 and 2. The NeoPixels' data pin is pin 13 and then LCD uses six of the digital pins (pins 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 and 12).
The main portion of the circuit is soldered to a perma proto board. This makes laying out the components very simple and allows for Ground and 5V to be easily accessible using the rails. The LCD screen is not soldered directly to the board. Instead a row of female headers are soldered in so that the LCD can be removed easily if needed and to lift it to the proper height for the top of the enclosure. The LCD needs an potentiometer to control the screen brightness, which is located to its left.
The individual 5mm LEDs are only receiving power and ground from the Feather M0 Express, so that they turn on whenever the board receives power. They're being used as labels to help identify which value the potentiometers are controlling.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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