Once the code is downloaded, open the gratis-master.zip file. This repository contains other files besides the library and example code, so you will need to open it up and copy the parts you need:
Select the Sketches
Navigate to gratis-master.zip/Sketches and select all the folders. Press [Control]-C on your keyboard to copy.Navigate to your Sketchbook Folder
If you are not sure where your sketchbook folder is, open File->Preferences from the Arduino IDE and it will give you the path to your sketchbook folder.Paste the copied folders
press [Control]-V on the keyboard to paste the copied folders.The operating system may ask if you want to merge the Libraries folder with the existing Libraries folder. Select YES.
eInk + Mega + Adafruit GFX
To experience the full graphical capabilities of the eInk display with the Adafruit GFX library, you need to use an Arduino Mega (1280, 2560 or ADK) with plenty of RAM to buffer the entire display image. If using one of those, we can use the Adafruit GFX graphics library which can draw lines, circles, text, etc.The GFX library can be downloaded here:
GFX in turn requires the BusIO library:
For instructions on installing the GFX library, see this guide:
To learn how to use the GFX Library, look here.
To learn how to use the GFX Library, look here.
Note that there is not enough memory in the Mega to use the 2.7" eInk display with GFX. The EPD libraries require 2 complete frame-buffers to update the display from SRAM.
Example Code
The RePaper eInk libraries come with the following example sketches:demo - The "demo" sketch demonstrates the capabilities of the eInk display. This sketch will run on the Uno, Leonardo or Mega and cycles through some lines of text and the image of a cat. Don't forget to change the line #define SCREEN_SIZE 144 to match your screen size! (144, 20 or 27)
temp - The 'temp' sketch displays the temperature with a bar-graph and scale using the drawing functions of the Adafruit GFX library. This sketch requires a Mega (1280, 2560 or ADK).
amslide - The 'amslide' sketch displays a slide show of images loaded from an SD card. To run this example you need an SD card reader. This could be on one of the logger shields, or on an SD breakout. Sample images can be found in the "images" folder inside the "amslide" folder. (Written by Christopher Hall & WyoLum, and tested on the AlaMode devboard)
command - The 'command sketch allows you to control the display using text commands the host computer over the serial port.
Text editor powered by tinymce.