The code, as it is, uses several feeds in a single feed group that you'll need to set up first.
If you don't have an Adafruit IO account or are unfamiliar with setting up feed/groups, see the Welcome to Adafruit IO guide.
You will need to set up a group named Environmental_Sensor containing the following feeds:
- 03um
- 05um
- 10um
- 25um
- 50um
- 100um
- pm10_env
- pm25_env
- pm100_env
- pm10_std
- pm25_std
- pressure
- temperature
- humidity
Add your Adafruit IO account credentials to the file and it should be ready to go.
You can look at the collected data directly in the feeds, but making a dashboard gives a better (sometimes) view of it.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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