Once the housing and circuit is completed, plug in the pH probe in BNC connector and power up reef-pi and head over to the UI. If you are not familiar with reef-pi installation and UI, refer to the first guide in this series for details.
Navigate to the pH tab, and create a new probe by clicking the "+" sign. By default EZO circuit has I2C address of 0x99, unless you are changing it, keep it as it is. Add the probe in disable state.
Before using pH probe, we have to calibrate it. Depending upon what calibration solutions you are using choose the appropriate value and hit "Run". reef-pi allows one, two or three point calibration. Calibration is not an absolute requirement, but a highly recommended step before usage.
Once calibrated, enable the probe and reef-pi will start monitoring your tank pH. The readings can be viewed in the reef-pi dashboard directly. If you have enabled adafruit.io, reef-pi will send the same data there as well and you can create dashboard there. Here is an example of my reef aquariums pH cycle.
Now our reef-pi pH monitor is calibrated and operational. In next guide, we'll build a dosing system, and use the pH monitor as our guiding force to deduce the appropriate dosing amount of different chemical additives. Thank you and see you in the next part in this series
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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