Who hasn't wanted their own animated GIFs to play in a private desk museum? The future is now! Build this desktop Raspberry Pi picture frame to display animated GIFs in a slideshow on a color 2.8" TFT, in Chromium kiosk mode.
Start with a Pi Model B or Pi Model B+ and an Adafruit 2.8" PiTFT. With a liberal use of a dremel (or diagonal cutters) and a touch of overclocking, you too can achieve your dreams of collecting GIFs and entertaining yourself to no end. Find inspiration. Use Sugru.
There is a very minimal amount of code involved with this project. It would be difficult to actually do less adjustment to a Raspberry Pi, and not see as dramatic of results.
I believe in you.
For this project, you will need:
- Raspberry Pi Model B+ (for the power) or Model B if you have one kicking around.
- PiTFT 320x240 2.8" TFT Display (resistive OR capacitive)
- PiTFT Enclosure for Model B (this is where things get dramatic)
- Tactile Switch Buttons (so you don't panic the kernel)
- SD/Micro SD Card (I'd recommend no less than 8 GB, I used 32 GB off of Amazon)
- Sugru
- Clay shaping tools, or a modified plastic knife or fork
- Flush diagonal cutters, or a Dremel. The cutters are actually easier. Not scissors.
- Protective eyewear/mouthwear (if Dremeling)
- Krazy Glue or similar adhesive
- Latex gloves (optional)
- Micro USB Cable with On/Off Switch (Bought from Amazon)
- 5V 2A Power Supply with USB-A Connector
- Keyboard, mouse, HDMI-monitor, and ethernet connection
Page last edited January 05, 2015
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