The circuit will be built across the two internal sections of SelfieBot. At the heart of the circuit is the Pi Cobbler, which routes all the pins of the Raspberry Pi neatly to a perma proto board. Here is a rundown of the Cobbler's connections:
Thermal Printer |
RX to GPIO 14, and related ground to GND rail |
Arcade Button |
Data pin to GPIO 17, power to 5v rail, ground to GND rail |
Accelerometer |
SCL to GPIO 3, SDA to GPIO 2, VIN to 3V rail |
Amplifier |
A- & A+ to audio out on Pi (see Assembly for location on back of Pi) Power to 5v rail, GND to ground rail. |
Power and ground from the battery are split: one set of power and ground goes directly to the thermal printer, the other set goes to the input side of the UBEC step-down converter.
Power and ground from the output side of the UBEC goes to power the Raspberry Pi via the micro USB port.
You'll also connect power and ground from the Raspberry Pi GPIO to the perma proto board.
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