The first step in setting up your Raspbery Pi is to install the latest version of Raspbian on your SD card using NOOBS or by copying the Raspbian image directly to your card. If you need help installing Raspbian, check out our SD card preparation guide for help.
Connecting to Your Raspberry Pi via SSH
The next step will be to connect your Raspberry Pi to your local network using either an ethernet cable or WiFi. The easiest way to get started is by connecting your Pi via the ethernet port, and using the Adafruit Pi Finder to connect to it.
Once your Pi is plugged in to the local network, you can use the Pi Finder to find the IP address of your Pi by clicking Find My Pi!
Once the Pi Finder finds the IP Address of your Pi, you can connect to it via SSH using the Terminal button, or by using your favorite SSH client.
Expanding the Filesystem
Once you have connected to your Pi, you will need to expand the filesystem using sudo raspi-config if you haven't done so already.
$ sudo raspi-config
Once you have expanded the filesystem, click Finish and Yes to restart the Pi.
Installing Node.js
Now we are ready to install the latest version of Node.js. See the instructions on our basic Node.js embedded development guide.
Next, you can install the libcairo2-dev package:
$ sudo apt-get install libcairo2-dev
Downloading the OSC Examples Repository
Next, we will use git to download the latest version of the OSC example repository we will be using for this tutorial.
$ git clone
Then cd into the osc-examples directory.
$ cd osc-examples
Finally, we will need to install the dependencies required to run the example Node.js scripts. You can do this by running npm install.
$ npm install
Next, we will be looking at how to set up your computer with Max, Pure Data, or ChucK.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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