Now that you have the required software, you can start the virtual machine (VM). To do that, open up a terminal or command prompt and cd into the directory where you extracted (or cloned) the Kernel-o-Matic.
Next we need to download, start, and provision the virtual machine. Luckily, Vagrant makes this simple, and we can do this all in one step by running vagrant up.
It will take a few minutes for Vagrant to download and start your VM, and you'll see a long stream of text that describes in detail what Vagrant is currently working on. You may see something like "Box 'ubuntu/trusty32' could not be found. Attempting to find and install...". This is normal if you are using a fresh vagrant install.
You will be returned to the command prompt after Vagrant has finished setting up the virtual machine. You can connect to the VM by running vagrant ssh.
Now that you are connected to the Ubuntu VM, we are ready to look at the kernel build helper we wrote to make the process easier. The next section will show you the basics of using adabuild.
Page last edited January 30, 2015
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