An Azure device twin is a JSON document that stores all of the information about a device. Each device in your IoT Hub has a device twin that you can access. In, device twins are used to check the connection status of each device. The connection status is represented by circles in the top right-hand corners of each device's telemetry box on the Raspberry Pi's display.
is used to authenticate access to the IoT Hub's device twins.
# connect to device twin status_client = IoTHubRegistryManager(status_connection)
A device twin is accessed for each of the three devices using a for
statement. If the device is connected, then it's circle is updated to be green. If the device is disconnected, then its circle is updated to be red.
# iterate through the status circles for d in range(0, 3): # get connection status of all 3 devices using device twin twin = status_client.get_twin(devices[d]) # if a device is connected, make the status circle green if twin.connection_state == 'Connected': status_circles[d].fill = 0x00FF00 # if a device is disconnected, make the status circle red if twin.connection_state == 'Disconnected': status_circles[d].fill = 0xFF0000
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