Now to test the suggested fixes for slowing down / speeding up the I2C clock and see if it fixes the demonstrated issues with the BNO055 and BNO085.
added to /boot/config.txt
and the Pi rebooted, try again the same library example:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ python3 Temperature: 22 degrees C Accelerometer (m/s^2): (0.13, -0.33, 9.89) Magnetometer (microteslas): (37.75, -27.6875, -65.25) Gyroscope (rad/sec): (-0.001090830782496456, -0.003272492347489368, -0.001090830782496456) Euler angle: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) Quaternion: (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) Linear acceleration (m/s^2): (0.15, -0.33, 0.06) Gravity (m/s^2): (0.0, 0.0, 9.8) Temperature: 22 degrees C Accelerometer (m/s^2): (0.15, -0.34, 9.96) Magnetometer (microteslas): (39.1875, -26.5625, -64.25) Gyroscope (rad/sec): (-0.001090830782496456, 0.0, -0.001090830782496456) Euler angle: (0.0, 0.8125, 1.875) Quaternion: (0.99981689453125, -0.01666259765625, -0.00726318359375, 0.0) Linear acceleration (m/s^2): (0.0, -0.01, 0.12) Gravity (m/s^2): (0.14, -0.32, 9.8) Temperature: 22 degrees C Accelerometer (m/s^2): (0.13, -0.34, 9.99) Magnetometer (microteslas): (38.75, -26.25, -64.6875) Gyroscope (rad/sec): (0.0, 0.001090830782496456, -0.002181661564992912) Euler angle: (0.0, 0.8125, 1.875) Quaternion: (0.99981689453125, -0.01666259765625, -0.00726318359375, 0.0) Linear acceleration (m/s^2): (0.0, 0.0, 0.15) Gravity (m/s^2): (0.14, -0.32, 9.8)
Much better.
added to /boot/config.txt
and the Pi rebooted, try running the same library example:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ python3 Acceleration: X: 0.574219 Y: -0.113281 Z: 10.000000 m/s^2 Gyro: X: 0.000000 Y: 0.000000 Z: 0.000000 rads/s Magnetometer: X: 13.812500 Y: 22.375000 Z: -45.875000 uT Rotation Vector Quaternion: I: 0.003662 J: -0.025330 K: 0.294250 Real: 0.955383 Acceleration: X: 0.613281 Y: -0.113281 Z: 10.031250 m/s^2 Gyro: X: 0.000000 Y: 0.000000 Z: -0.001953 rads/s Magnetometer: X: 14.187500 Y: 23.125000 Z: -43.187500 uT Rotation Vector Quaternion: I: 0.003662 J: -0.028625 K: 0.316528 Real: 0.948120
And now it's working.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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