This is a collection of additional information that may prove useful for anyone trying to recreate this experiment.
The Laser / Camera Hardware
The combination used here seemed more than adequate. The laser proved amazingly bright and readily illuminated particles within the laser sheet. The basic V2 camera module also seemed to perform well. The 1920x1080 resolution is also well within the camera's native sensor resolution.
The Box
The cardboard box used was super cheap and easy to cut up. But it proved a little challenging to keep "clean". The cardboard seemed to produce a lot of small particles whenever moved, the top was opened, etc. We dealt with this by letting the particles settles between runs. But something other than cardboard may be a better choice.
The setup in the original paper included a filtration system that allowed for clean air to be brought in to the test box. That could probably help with the issue described above. Maybe a shop vacuum with some air conditioner filters could be used?
Laser Exit Slot
Our box also did not have an exit slot for the laser sheet. This was due to the size needed compared to the box (structural issue). It was mitigated by lining the inside with black poster board. However, there was still a noticeable amount of laser reflection inside the box. This was well below the threshold used in the processing. But in order to try and refine the processing, to better examine the "speech" data for example, something to help reduce this internal laser reflection might help.
Data Processing
Just a plug here for Python, which has everything needed for data processing. Additionally, the use of Jupyter Notebook proved useful. We didn't include any of our work on that here, but it was super useful for quick prototyping and testing of the Python based processing that was done.
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