When you first turn this hoodie on, it will default to a rainbow palette mode. As soon as one of the colored buttons are pressed, the hood and tail neopixels will shift to a gradient based on that color. It's not too hard to change the colors around in the code -- experiment and make it your own.
To learn more about how to create your own custom color palettes using FastLED, head over to this LED Parasol guide.
Software Setup
If this is your first time using an Adafruit Metro Mini, take a look at this guide to learn about Adafruit board installation. This walks you through installing the software necessary to use this board. Get the starter “blink” sketch working to confirm that the Arduino IDE is properly set up and speaking to the board.
Once you've got your Metro Mini up and running with Arduino, you'll need to install the FastLED library.
FastLED is a fast, efficient, easy-to-use Arduino library for programming addressable LED strips and pixels. It has a lot of features to get your animations up and running fast -- and it has a lot of code samples available if you're just learning to code.
Use the Library Manager in the Arduino IDE to install this (Sketch→Include Library→Manage Libraries…). Scroll down or use the search field to locate FastLED.
All about Arduino Libraries will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about libraries, including more detailed installation instructions.
Once your curiosity is satiated and the FastLED library is installed, copy and paste the code below into your Arduino window.
Go to the Tools menu and select "Adafruit Metro" from the list of boards. (If you don't see it there, head over to this guide to install Adafruit board support in Arduino).
Plug your Metro Mini into your computer via the onboard USB port. Press the "reset" button on your Metro Mini and wait for the blinky red light, then click the upload button in Arduino.
#include <FastLED.h> // Because conditional #includes don't work w/Arduino sketches... //#include <SPI.h> // COMMENT OUT THIS LINE FOR GEMMA OR TRINKET #include <avr/power.h> // ENABLE THIS LINE FOR GEMMA OR TRINKET #define DATAPINtail 8 #define DATAPINhood 9 #define BUTTON_PIN 0 #define COLOR_ORDER GRB #define NUM_LEDS 30 #define DEBOUNCE 10 // button debouncer, how many ms to debounce, 5+ ms is usually plenty #define NUM_BUTTONS 7 int SATURATION=255; int BRIGHTNESS=255; int SPEEDO=25; int HUE=0; int STEPS=10; int glitter = 0; int ledMode=8; int palettenumber=1; CRGB leds[NUM_LEDS]; CRGB buttonleds[NUM_BUTTONS]; TBlendType currentBlending; CRGBPalette16 currentPalette; // here is where we define the buttons that we'll use. button "1" is the first, button "6" is the 6th, etc byte buttons[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}; // the analog 0-5 pins are also known as 14-19 // This handy macro lets us determine how big the array up above is, by checking the size #define NUMBUTTONS sizeof(buttons) // we will track if a button is just pressed, just released, or 'currently pressed' byte pressed[NUMBUTTONS], justpressed[NUMBUTTONS], justreleased[NUMBUTTONS]; void setup() { byte i; // Make input & enable pull-up resistors on switch pins for (i=0; i<NUMBUTTONS; i++){ pinMode(buttons[i], INPUT_PULLUP); } // pin13 LED pinMode(13, OUTPUT); //FastLED.setMaxPowerInVoltsAndMilliamps( VOLTS, MAX_MA); FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B,DATAPINtail,COLOR_ORDER>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection(TypicalLEDStrip); FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B,DATAPINhood,COLOR_ORDER>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection(TypicalLEDStrip); FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B,BUTTON_PIN,COLOR_ORDER>(buttonleds, NUM_BUTTONS).setCorrection(TypicalLEDStrip); } void loop() { Button_Rainbow(); digitalWrite(13, LOW); check_switches(); // when we check the switches we'll get the current state for (byte i = 0; i<NUMBUTTONS; i++){ if (pressed[i]) { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); if (i == 0){ ledMode=1; }else if (i == 1){ ledMode=2; }else if (i == 2){ ledMode=3; }else if (i == 3){ ledMode=4; }else if (i == 4){ ledMode=5; }else if (i == 5){ ledMode=6; }else if (i == 6){ ledMode=7; // is the button pressed down at this moment } if (justreleased[i]) { if (i == 0){ ledMode=1; }else if (i == 1){ ledMode=2; }else if (i == 2){ ledMode=3; }else if (i == 3){ ledMode=4; }else if (i == 4){ ledMode=5; }else if (i == 5){ ledMode=6; }else if (i == 6){ ledMode=7; } for (byte i=0; i<NUMBUTTONS; i++){ // remember, check_switches() will necessitate clearing the 'just pressed' flag justpressed[i] = 0; } } } switch (ledMode) { case 999: break; case 0: color_palettes(); break; case 1: HUE=190; palettenumber = 14; ledMode=0; break; case 2: HUE=170; palettenumber = 12; ledMode=0; break; case 3: HUE=140; palettenumber = 10; ledMode=0; break; case 4: HUE=100; palettenumber = 8; ledMode=0; break; case 5: HUE=70; palettenumber = 6; ledMode=0; break; case 6: HUE=30; palettenumber = 4; ledMode=0; break; case 7: HUE=0; palettenumber = 2; ledMode=0; break; case 8: designer_palettes(); break; } } } void check_switches() { static byte previousstate[NUMBUTTONS]; static byte currentstate[NUMBUTTONS]; static long lasttime; byte index; if (millis() < lasttime){ // we wrapped around, lets just try again lasttime = millis(); } if ((lasttime + DEBOUNCE) > millis()) { // not enough time has passed to debounce return; } // ok we have waited DEBOUNCE milliseconds, lets reset the timer lasttime = millis(); for (index = 0; index<NUMBUTTONS; index++){ // when we start, we clear out the "just" indicators justreleased[index] = 0; currentstate[index] = digitalRead(buttons[index]); // read the button if (currentstate[index] == previousstate[index]) { if ((pressed[index] == LOW) && (currentstate[index] == LOW)) { // just pressed justpressed[index] = 1; } else if ((pressed[index] == HIGH) && (currentstate[index] == HIGH)) { // just released justreleased[index] = 1; } pressed[index] = !currentstate[index]; // remember, digital HIGH means NOT pressed } //Serial.println(pressed[index], DEC); previousstate[index] = currentstate[index]; // keep a running tally of the buttons } } void Button_Rainbow(){ buttonleds[0] = CHSV(190, SATURATION-50, BRIGHTNESS-50); buttonleds[1] = CHSV(170, SATURATION-50, BRIGHTNESS-50); buttonleds[2] = CHSV(140, SATURATION-50, BRIGHTNESS-50); buttonleds[3] = CHSV(100, SATURATION-50, BRIGHTNESS-50); buttonleds[4] = CHSV(70, SATURATION-50, BRIGHTNESS-50); buttonleds[5] = CHSV(30, SATURATION-50, BRIGHTNESS-50); buttonleds[6] = CHSV(0, SATURATION-50, BRIGHTNESS-50); FastLED.show(); } // ColorWavesWithPalettes // Animated shifting color waves, with several cross-fading color palettes. // by Mark Kriegsman, August 2015 // // Color palettes courtesy of cpt-city and its contributors: // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/ // // Color palettes converted for FastLED using "PaletteKnife" v1: // http://fastled.io/tools/paletteknife/ // // ten seconds per color palette makes a good demo // 20-120 is better for deployment #define SECONDS_PER_PALETTE 12 // Forward declarations of an array of cpt-city gradient palettes, and // a count of how many there are. The actual color palette definitions // are at the bottom of this file. extern const TProgmemRGBGradientPalettePtr gGradientPalettes[]; extern const uint8_t gGradientPaletteCount; // Current palette number from the 'playlist' of color palettes uint8_t gCurrentPaletteNumber = 0; CRGBPalette16 gCurrentPalette( CRGB::Black); CRGBPalette16 gTargetPalette( gGradientPalettes[0] ); void designer_palettes() { EVERY_N_SECONDS( SECONDS_PER_PALETTE ) { gCurrentPaletteNumber = addmod8( gCurrentPaletteNumber, 1, gGradientPaletteCount); gTargetPalette = gGradientPalettes[ gCurrentPaletteNumber ]; } EVERY_N_MILLISECONDS(40) { nblendPaletteTowardPalette( gCurrentPalette, gTargetPalette, 16); } colorwaves( leds, NUM_LEDS, gCurrentPalette); FastLED.show(); FastLED.delay(20); } void one_palette() { SetupGradientPalette(); colorwaves( leds, NUM_LEDS, currentPalette); FastLED.show(); FastLED.delay(20); } void color_palettes() { SetupGradientPalette(); EVERY_N_SECONDS( SECONDS_PER_PALETTE ) { gCurrentPaletteNumber = palettenumber; gTargetPalette = gGradientPalettes[ gCurrentPaletteNumber ]; } EVERY_N_MILLISECONDS(40) { nblendPaletteTowardPalette( gCurrentPalette, gTargetPalette, 16); } colorwaves( leds, NUM_LEDS, gCurrentPalette); FastLED.show(); FastLED.delay(20); } // This function draws color waves with an ever-changing, // widely-varying set of parameters, using a color palette. void colorwaves( CRGB* ledarray, uint16_t numleds, CRGBPalette16& palette) { static uint16_t sPseudotime = 0; static uint16_t sLastMillis = 0; static uint16_t sHue16 = 0; uint8_t sat8 = beatsin88( 87, 220, 250); uint8_t brightdepth = beatsin88( 341, 96, 224); uint16_t brightnessthetainc16 = beatsin88( 203, (25 * 256), (40 * 256)); uint8_t msmultiplier = beatsin88(147, 23, 60); uint16_t hue16 = sHue16;//gHue * 256; uint16_t hueinc16 = beatsin88(113, 300, 1500); uint16_t ms = millis(); uint16_t deltams = ms - sLastMillis ; sLastMillis = ms; sPseudotime += deltams * msmultiplier; sHue16 += deltams * beatsin88( 400, 5,9); uint16_t brightnesstheta16 = sPseudotime; for( uint16_t i = 0 ; i < numleds; i++) { hue16 += hueinc16; uint8_t hue8 = hue16 / 256; uint16_t h16_128 = hue16 >> 7; if( h16_128 & 0x100) { hue8 = 255 - (h16_128 >> 1); } else { hue8 = h16_128 >> 1; } brightnesstheta16 += brightnessthetainc16; uint16_t b16 = sin16( brightnesstheta16 ) + 32768; uint16_t bri16 = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)b16 * (uint32_t)b16) / 65536; uint8_t bri8 = (uint32_t)(((uint32_t)bri16) * brightdepth) / 65536; bri8 += (255 - brightdepth); uint8_t index = hue8; //index = triwave8( index); index = scale8( index, 240); CRGB newcolor = ColorFromPalette( palette, index, bri8); uint16_t pixelnumber = i; pixelnumber = (numleds-1) - pixelnumber; nblend( ledarray[pixelnumber], newcolor, 128); } } // Alternate rendering function just scrolls the current palette // across the defined LED strip. void palettetest( CRGB* ledarray, uint16_t numleds, const CRGBPalette16& gCurrentPalette) { static uint8_t startindex = 0; startindex--; fill_palette( ledarray, numleds, startindex, (256 / NUM_LEDS) + 1, gCurrentPalette, 255, LINEARBLEND); } // Gradient Color Palette definitions for 33 different cpt-city color palettes. // 956 bytes of PROGMEM for all of the palettes together, // +618 bytes of PROGMEM for gradient palette code (AVR). // 1,494 bytes total for all 34 color palettes and associated code. // Gradient palette "ib_jul01_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/ing/xmas/tn/ib_jul01.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 16 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( ib_jul01_gp ) { 0, 194, 1, 1, 94, 1, 29, 18, 132, 57,131, 28, 255, 113, 1, 1}; // Gradient palette "es_vintage_57_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/es/vintage/tn/es_vintage_57.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 20 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( es_vintage_57_gp ) { 0, 2, 1, 1, 53, 18, 1, 0, 104, 69, 29, 1, 153, 167,135, 10, 255, 46, 56, 4}; // Gradient palette "es_vintage_01_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/es/vintage/tn/es_vintage_01.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 32 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( es_vintage_01_gp ) { 0, 4, 1, 1, 51, 16, 0, 1, 76, 97,104, 3, 101, 255,131, 19, 127, 67, 9, 4, 153, 16, 0, 1, 229, 4, 1, 1, 255, 4, 1, 1}; // Gradient palette "es_rivendell_15_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/es/rivendell/tn/es_rivendell_15.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 20 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( es_rivendell_15_gp ) { 0, 1, 14, 5, 101, 16, 36, 14, 165, 56, 68, 30, 242, 150,156, 99, 255, 150,156, 99}; // Gradient palette "rgi_15_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/ds/rgi/tn/rgi_15.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 36 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( rgi_15_gp ) { 0, 4, 1, 31, 31, 55, 1, 16, 63, 197, 3, 7, 95, 59, 2, 17, 127, 6, 2, 34, 159, 39, 6, 33, 191, 112, 13, 32, 223, 56, 9, 35, 255, 22, 6, 38}; // Gradient palette "retro2_16_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/ma/retro2/tn/retro2_16.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 8 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( retro2_16_gp ) { 0, 188,135, 1, 255, 46, 7, 1}; // Gradient palette "Analogous_1_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/nd/red/tn/Analogous_1.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 20 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( Analogous_1_gp ) { 0, 3, 0,255, 63, 23, 0,255, 127, 67, 0,255, 191, 142, 0, 45, 255, 255, 0, 0}; // Gradient palette "es_pinksplash_08_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/es/pink_splash/tn/es_pinksplash_08.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 20 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( es_pinksplash_08_gp ) { 0, 126, 11,255, 127, 197, 1, 22, 175, 210,157,172, 221, 157, 3,112, 255, 157, 3,112}; // Gradient palette "es_pinksplash_07_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/es/pink_splash/tn/es_pinksplash_07.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 28 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( es_pinksplash_07_gp ) { 0, 229, 1, 1, 61, 242, 4, 63, 101, 255, 12,255, 127, 249, 81,252, 153, 255, 11,235, 193, 244, 5, 68, 255, 232, 1, 5}; // Gradient palette "Coral_reef_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/nd/other/tn/Coral_reef.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 24 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( Coral_reef_gp ) { 0, 40,199,197, 50, 10,152,155, 96, 1,111,120, 96, 43,127,162, 139, 10, 73,111, 255, 1, 34, 71}; // Gradient palette "es_ocean_breeze_068_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/es/ocean_breeze/tn/es_ocean_breeze_068.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 24 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( es_ocean_breeze_068_gp ) { 0, 100,156,153, 51, 1, 99,137, 101, 1, 68, 84, 104, 35,142,168, 178, 0, 63,117, 255, 1, 10, 10}; // Gradient palette "es_ocean_breeze_036_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/es/ocean_breeze/tn/es_ocean_breeze_036.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 16 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( es_ocean_breeze_036_gp ) { 0, 1, 6, 7, 89, 1, 99,111, 153, 144,209,255, 255, 0, 73, 82}; // Gradient palette "departure_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/mjf/tn/departure.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 88 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( departure_gp ) { 0, 8, 3, 0, 42, 23, 7, 0, 63, 75, 38, 6, 84, 169, 99, 38, 106, 213,169,119, 116, 255,255,255, 138, 135,255,138, 148, 22,255, 24, 170, 0,255, 0, 191, 0,136, 0, 212, 0, 55, 0, 255, 0, 55, 0}; // Gradient palette "es_landscape_64_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/es/landscape/tn/es_landscape_64.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 36 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( es_landscape_64_gp ) { 0, 0, 0, 0, 37, 2, 25, 1, 76, 15,115, 5, 127, 79,213, 1, 128, 126,211, 47, 130, 188,209,247, 153, 144,182,205, 204, 59,117,250, 255, 1, 37,192}; // Gradient palette "es_landscape_33_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/es/landscape/tn/es_landscape_33.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 24 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( es_landscape_33_gp ) { 0, 1, 5, 0, 19, 32, 23, 1, 38, 161, 55, 1, 63, 229,144, 1, 66, 39,142, 74, 255, 1, 4, 1}; // Gradient palette "rainbowsherbet_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/ma/icecream/tn/rainbowsherbet.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 28 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( rainbowsherbet_gp ) { 0, 255, 33, 4, 43, 255, 68, 25, 86, 255, 7, 25, 127, 255, 82,103, 170, 255,255,242, 209, 42,255, 22, 255, 87,255, 65}; // Gradient palette "gr65_hult_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/hult/tn/gr65_hult.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 24 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( gr65_hult_gp ) { 0, 247,176,247, 48, 255,136,255, 89, 220, 29,226, 160, 7, 82,178, 216, 1,124,109, 255, 1,124,109}; // Gradient palette "gr64_hult_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/hult/tn/gr64_hult.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 32 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( gr64_hult_gp ) { 0, 1,124,109, 66, 1, 93, 79, 104, 52, 65, 1, 130, 115,127, 1, 150, 52, 65, 1, 201, 1, 86, 72, 239, 0, 55, 45, 255, 0, 55, 45}; // Gradient palette "GMT_drywet_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/gmt/tn/GMT_drywet.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 28 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( GMT_drywet_gp ) { 0, 47, 30, 2, 42, 213,147, 24, 84, 103,219, 52, 127, 3,219,207, 170, 1, 48,214, 212, 1, 1,111, 255, 1, 7, 33}; // Gradient palette "ib15_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/ing/general/tn/ib15.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 24 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( ib15_gp ) { 0, 113, 91,147, 72, 157, 88, 78, 89, 208, 85, 33, 107, 255, 29, 11, 141, 137, 31, 39, 255, 59, 33, 89}; // Gradient palette "Fuschia_7_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/ds/fuschia/tn/Fuschia-7.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 20 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( Fuschia_7_gp ) { 0, 43, 3,153, 63, 100, 4,103, 127, 188, 5, 66, 191, 161, 11,115, 255, 135, 20,182}; // Gradient palette "es_emerald_dragon_08_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/es/emerald_dragon/tn/es_emerald_dragon_08.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 16 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( es_emerald_dragon_08_gp ) { 0, 97,255, 1, 101, 47,133, 1, 178, 13, 43, 1, 255, 2, 10, 1}; // Gradient palette "lava_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/neota/elem/tn/lava.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 52 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( lava_gp ) { 0, 0, 0, 0, 46, 18, 0, 0, 96, 113, 0, 0, 108, 142, 3, 1, 119, 175, 17, 1, 146, 213, 44, 2, 174, 255, 82, 4, 188, 255,115, 4, 202, 255,156, 4, 218, 255,203, 4, 234, 255,255, 4, 244, 255,255, 71, 255, 255,255,255}; // Gradient palette "fire_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/neota/elem/tn/fire.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 28 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( fire_gp ) { 0, 1, 1, 0, 76, 32, 5, 0, 146, 192, 24, 0, 197, 220,105, 5, 240, 252,255, 31, 250, 252,255,111, 255, 255,255,255}; // Gradient palette "Colorfull_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/nd/atmospheric/tn/Colorfull.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 44 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( Colorfull_gp ) { 0, 10, 85, 5, 25, 29,109, 18, 60, 59,138, 42, 93, 83, 99, 52, 106, 110, 66, 64, 109, 123, 49, 65, 113, 139, 35, 66, 116, 192,117, 98, 124, 255,255,137, 168, 100,180,155, 255, 22,121,174}; // Gradient palette "Magenta_Evening_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/nd/atmospheric/tn/Magenta_Evening.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 28 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( Magenta_Evening_gp ) { 0, 71, 27, 39, 31, 130, 11, 51, 63, 213, 2, 64, 70, 232, 1, 66, 76, 252, 1, 69, 108, 123, 2, 51, 255, 46, 9, 35}; // Gradient palette "Pink_Purple_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/nd/atmospheric/tn/Pink_Purple.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 44 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( Pink_Purple_gp ) { 0, 19, 2, 39, 25, 26, 4, 45, 51, 33, 6, 52, 76, 68, 62,125, 102, 118,187,240, 109, 163,215,247, 114, 217,244,255, 122, 159,149,221, 149, 113, 78,188, 183, 128, 57,155, 255, 146, 40,123}; // Gradient palette "Sunset_Real_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/nd/atmospheric/tn/Sunset_Real.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 28 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( Sunset_Real_gp ) { 0, 120, 0, 0, 22, 179, 22, 0, 51, 255,104, 0, 85, 167, 22, 18, 135, 100, 0,103, 198, 16, 0,130, 255, 0, 0,160}; // Gradient palette "es_autumn_19_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/es/autumn/tn/es_autumn_19.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 52 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( es_autumn_19_gp ) { 0, 26, 1, 1, 51, 67, 4, 1, 84, 118, 14, 1, 104, 137,152, 52, 112, 113, 65, 1, 122, 133,149, 59, 124, 137,152, 52, 135, 113, 65, 1, 142, 139,154, 46, 163, 113, 13, 1, 204, 55, 3, 1, 249, 17, 1, 1, 255, 17, 1, 1}; // Gradient palette "BlacK_Blue_Magenta_White_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/nd/basic/tn/BlacK_Blue_Magenta_White.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 28 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( BlacK_Blue_Magenta_White_gp ) { 0, 0, 0, 0, 42, 0, 0, 45, 84, 0, 0,255, 127, 42, 0,255, 170, 255, 0,255, 212, 255, 55,255, 255, 255,255,255}; // Gradient palette "BlacK_Magenta_Red_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/nd/basic/tn/BlacK_Magenta_Red.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 20 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( BlacK_Magenta_Red_gp ) { 0, 0, 0, 0, 63, 42, 0, 45, 127, 255, 0,255, 191, 255, 0, 45, 255, 255, 0, 0}; // Gradient palette "BlacK_Red_Magenta_Yellow_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/nd/basic/tn/BlacK_Red_Magenta_Yellow.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 28 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( BlacK_Red_Magenta_Yellow_gp ) { 0, 0, 0, 0, 42, 42, 0, 0, 84, 255, 0, 0, 127, 255, 0, 45, 170, 255, 0,255, 212, 255, 55, 45, 255, 255,255, 0}; // Gradient palette "Blue_Cyan_Yellow_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/nd/basic/tn/Blue_Cyan_Yellow.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 20 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( Blue_Cyan_Yellow_gp ) { 0, 0, 0,255, 63, 0, 55,255, 127, 0,255,255, 191, 42,255, 45, 255, 255,255, 0}; // Gradient palette "bhw1_28_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/bhw/bhw1/tn/bhw1_28.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 32 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( bhw1_28_gp ) { 0, 75, 1,221, 30, 252, 73,255, 48, 169, 0,242, 119, 0,149,242, 170, 43, 0,242, 206, 252, 73,255, 232, 78, 12,214, 255, 0,149,242}; // Gradient palette "bhw1_justducky_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/bhw/bhw1/tn/bhw1_justducky.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 16 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( yellow_gp ) { 0, 47, 28, 2, 76, 229, 73, 1, 163, 255,255, 0, 255, 229, 73, 1}; // Gradient palette "bhw2_50_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/bhw/bhw2/tn/bhw2_50.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 20 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( indigo_gp ) { 0, 8, 2, 23, 84, 47, 7,102, 138, 16, 46,147, 173, 2,127,203, 255, 1, 7, 11}; // Gradient palette "Greens_09_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/cb/seq/tn/Greens_09.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 72 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( green_gp ) { 0, 234,248,230, 28, 234,248,230, 28, 192,233,184, 56, 192,233,184, 56, 133,209,125, 84, 133,209,125, 84, 77,178, 73, 113, 77,178, 73, 113, 32,142, 37, 141, 32,142, 37, 141, 7,105, 20, 170, 7,105, 20, 170, 1, 67, 9, 198, 1, 67, 9, 198, 0, 39, 3, 226, 0, 39, 3, 226, 0, 13, 1, 255, 0, 13, 1}; // Gradient palette "blueice_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/neota/elem/tn/blueice.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 220 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( blue_gp ) { 0, 0, 0, 0, 31, 1, 2, 15, 63, 1, 10, 89, 66, 1, 12, 93, 68, 1, 13, 96, 71, 1, 15,100, 73, 1, 16,105, 76, 1, 18,108, 78, 1, 20,112, 81, 1, 22,115, 83, 1, 23,120, 86, 1, 26,123, 88, 1, 29,128, 91, 1, 31,132, 93, 1, 33,137, 96, 1, 36,140, 98, 1, 40,145, 101, 1, 43,151, 103, 1, 46,155, 106, 1, 50,160, 108, 1, 54,164, 111, 1, 56,166, 113, 1, 60,170, 116, 1, 65,172, 118, 1, 69,174, 121, 1, 72,178, 123, 1, 77,180, 126, 1, 81,182, 128, 1, 86,184, 131, 1, 91,188, 134, 1, 96,190, 136, 1,101,192, 139, 1,107,197, 141, 1,112,199, 144, 1,118,201, 146, 1,124,203, 149, 1,130,207, 151, 1,138,210, 154, 1,144,212, 156, 1,151,214, 159, 1,159,219, 161, 1,166,221, 164, 1,173,223, 166, 1,182,228, 169, 1,189,230, 171, 1,199,233, 174, 1,207,235, 176, 1,217,240, 179, 1,225,242, 181, 1,235,245, 184, 2,246,247, 186, 2,252,247, 189, 2,255,242, 222, 61,255,247, 255, 255,255,255}; // Gradient palette "crisp_ice_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/neota/elem/tn/crisp-ice.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 28 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( purple_gp ) { 0, 1, 55,142, 31, 4, 86,194, 63, 13,124,255, 95, 56,139,255, 127, 142,156,255, 191, 194,203,255, 255, 255,255,255}; // Gradient palette "bhw1_sunset3_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/bhw/bhw1/tn/bhw1_sunset3.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 28 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( orange_gp ) { 0, 227,237, 56, 33, 186, 67, 1, 71, 163, 21, 1, 81, 157, 13, 1, 188, 39, 21, 18, 234, 12, 7, 4, 255, 12, 7, 4}; // Gradient palette "bhw1_purplered_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/bhw/bhw1/tn/bhw1_purplered.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 8 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( red_gp ) { 0, 255, 0, 0, 255, 107, 1,205}; // Gradient palette "hsv_gp", originally from // http://soliton.vm.bytemark.co.uk/pub/cpt-city/h5/tn/hsv.png.index.html // converted for FastLED with gammas (2.6, 2.2, 2.5) // Size: 256 bytes of program space. DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE( hsv_gp ) { 0, 255, 0, 0, 4, 255, 1, 0, 8, 255, 6, 0, 12, 255, 15, 0, 16, 255, 29, 0, 20, 255, 47, 0, 24, 255, 71, 0, 28, 255,100, 0, 32, 255,135, 0, 36, 255,175, 0, 40, 255,221, 0, 44, 234,255, 0, 48, 179,255, 0, 52, 133,255, 0, 56, 95,255, 0, 60, 65,255, 0, 64, 41,255, 0, 68, 24,255, 0, 72, 12,255, 0, 76, 4,255, 0, 80, 1,255, 0, 84, 1,255, 0, 89, 0,255, 1, 93, 0,255, 2, 97, 0,255, 7, 101, 0,255, 17, 105, 0,255, 31, 109, 0,255, 52, 113, 0,255, 78, 117, 0,255,111, 121, 0,255,151, 125, 0,255,199, 129, 0,255,255, 133, 0,205,255, 137, 0,161,255, 141, 0,122,255, 145, 0, 90,255, 149, 0, 62,255, 153, 0, 40,255, 157, 0, 23,255, 161, 0, 11,255, 165, 0, 4,255, 170, 0, 1,255, 174, 1, 0,255, 178, 1, 0,255, 182, 4, 0,255, 186, 12, 0,255, 190, 24, 0,255, 194, 41, 0,255, 198, 65, 0,255, 202, 95, 0,255, 206, 133, 0,255, 210, 179, 0,255, 214, 234, 0,255, 218, 255, 0,216, 222, 255, 0,166, 226, 255, 0,123, 230, 255, 0, 88, 234, 255, 0, 60, 238, 255, 0, 37, 242, 255, 0, 21, 246, 255, 0, 10, 250, 255, 0, 3, 255, 255, 0, 1}; // Single array of defined cpt-city color palettes. // This will let us programmatically choose one based on // a number, rather than having to activate each explicitly // by name every time. // Since it is const, this array could also be moved // into PROGMEM to save SRAM, but for simplicity of illustration // we'll keep it in a regular SRAM array. // // This list of color palettes acts as a "playlist"; you can // add or delete, or re-arrange as you wish. const TProgmemRGBGradientPalettePtr gGradientPalettes[] = { hsv_gp, red_gp, rainbowsherbet_gp, orange_gp, bhw1_28_gp, yellow_gp, Sunset_Real_gp, green_gp, es_rivendell_15_gp, blue_gp, es_ocean_breeze_036_gp, indigo_gp, rgi_15_gp, purple_gp, retro2_16_gp, Analogous_1_gp, es_pinksplash_08_gp, Coral_reef_gp, es_ocean_breeze_068_gp, es_pinksplash_07_gp, es_vintage_01_gp, departure_gp, es_landscape_64_gp, es_landscape_33_gp, gr65_hult_gp, gr64_hult_gp, GMT_drywet_gp, ib_jul01_gp, es_vintage_57_gp, ib15_gp, Fuschia_7_gp, es_emerald_dragon_08_gp, lava_gp, fire_gp, Colorfull_gp, Magenta_Evening_gp, Pink_Purple_gp, es_autumn_19_gp, BlacK_Blue_Magenta_White_gp, BlacK_Magenta_Red_gp, BlacK_Red_Magenta_Yellow_gp, Blue_Cyan_Yellow_gp}; // Count of how many cpt-city gradients are defined: const uint8_t gGradientPaletteCount = sizeof( gGradientPalettes) / sizeof( TProgmemRGBGradientPalettePtr ); // GRADIENT -------------------------------------------------------------- void Gradient() { SetupGradientPalette(); static uint8_t startIndex = 0; startIndex = startIndex + 3; // motion speed FillLEDsFromPaletteColors( startIndex); if (glitter==1) { add_glitter();} FastLED.show(); FastLED.delay(SPEEDO); } void SetupGradientPalette() { CRGB light = CHSV( HUE + 5, SATURATION - 15, BRIGHTNESS); CRGB light1 = CHSV( HUE + 10, SATURATION - 10, BRIGHTNESS); CRGB light2 = CHSV( HUE + 15, SATURATION - 20, BRIGHTNESS-10); CRGB medium = CHSV ( HUE - 3, SATURATION, BRIGHTNESS-30); CRGB medium1 = CHSV ( HUE - 7, SATURATION, BRIGHTNESS-20); CRGB medium2 = CHSV ( HUE - 11, SATURATION, BRIGHTNESS-10); CRGB dark = CHSV( HUE + 3, SATURATION - 30, BRIGHTNESS-20); CRGB dark1 = CHSV( HUE, SATURATION - 20, BRIGHTNESS-30); CRGB dark2 = CHSV( HUE -3, SATURATION - 15, BRIGHTNESS-40); gCurrentPalette = CRGBPalette16( light, light1, light2, light1, medium, medium1, medium2, medium1, dark, dark1, dark2, dark1, medium, medium1, medium2, medium1 ); } void add_glitter() { int chance_of_glitter = 10; // percent of the time that we add glitter int number_of_glitters = 3; // number of glitter sparkles to add int r = random8(100); if( r < chance_of_glitter ) { for( int j = 0; j < number_of_glitters; j++) { int pos = random16( NUM_LEDS); leds[pos] = CRGB::White; // very bright glitter } } } void FillLEDsFromPaletteColors( uint8_t colorIndex) { uint8_t brightness = BRIGHTNESS; for( int i = 0; i < NUM_LEDS; i++) { leds[i] = ColorFromPalette( currentPalette, colorIndex, brightness, currentBlending); colorIndex += STEPS; } } void Rainbow() { FastLED.setBrightness( BRIGHTNESS ); currentPalette = RainbowColors_p; static uint8_t startIndex = 0; startIndex = startIndex + 1; FillLEDsFromPaletteColors( startIndex); if (glitter==1) { add_glitter();} FastLED.show(); FastLED.delay(SPEEDO); }
As soon as you get the "Upload Successful" notification in your Arduino window, unplug the Metro and get ready for some soldering.
If you're getting errors or having trouble uploading the code, here are a couple things to try:
- Be sure you have “Metro Mini” selected from the Tools menu.
- Make sure the FastLED library is installed.
- Try restarting your Arduino IDE.
- If you're still having trouble, try uploading the "Blink" sketch (File→Examples→Basics→Blink). This should blink the Metro's onboard LED. If this is working, you know your Arduino IDE and upload sequence are working, and that the problem lies elsewhere (e.g. missing library, or syntax error in the code).
Page last edited November 01, 2016
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