WipperSnapper RGB Status Light
Most WipperSnapper-capable boards have a single NeoPixel or DotStar RGB LED on the board. During the boot process, the LED is used to signal the hardware's status.
Here's what the colors and blinking means:
- YELLOW Blinking - There is a new secrets.json file on the WIPPER drive. Edit this file to contain your credentials and RESET the device for the changes to take effect.
PINK - Connecting to Network.
- If the device reboots while displaying this color, there's an issue connecting to the wireless network you specified in secrets.json.
BLUE - Connecting to Adafruit.io MQTT Broker
- If the device reboots while displaying this color, please verify your Adafruit.io username and key in the secrets.json file.
- GREEN Solid - Connected to Network and Adafruit IO.
- YELLOW Solid - Registering and configuring your hardware with WipperSnapper.
- GREEN Blinking (3x) - Bootup complete, you can proceed to use your device with the WipperSnapper website.
Encountering issues?
If you are having trouble with your hardware, technical support is provided in the Adafruit customer forums for all Adafruit customers by our dedicated team of engineers and staff. To get help, post a new topic on the WipperSnapper forum.
If you are having a problem with the WipperSnapper website - vist http://io.adafruit.com/support and click Contact Adafruit IO Support.
Adafruit IO Data Rate
If you are using Adafruit IO Plus, you will be able to send 60 data points per minute to Adafruit IO. If you are using the free Adafruit IO account, you will be able to send 30 data points per minute.
Sending more than this will result in your account temporarily timing out ("throttled").
This means that if you're using a Free Adafruit IO account, you will need to be more conscious of how you set up your components. We suggest IO Free users configure their components to send data on a periodic basis, rather than immediately.
Adafruit IO Feed Limit
Free Adafruit IO accounts are limited to ten total components and up to two Wippersnapper devices per account.
Adafruit IO Plus accounts do not have a limit on the number of devices that may connect to Wippersnapper or feeds. However, you must adhere to sending 60 data points per minute, across all your WipperSnapper devices.
If this data rate limit is too low, we offer upgrades to the Adafruit IO Plus plan to increase your data rate limit.
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