If you do not already have an Adafruit IO account set up, head over to io.adafruit.com to link your Adafruit.com account to Adafruit IO.
The large amount of feeds and higher data rate per minute (due to the amount of feeds) in this guide requires an Adafruit IO Account to have an active Adafruit IO Plus (IO+) subscription.
To check if you have an Adafruit IO Plus subscription: Navigate to your Adafruit IO Profile page and check your Current Plan.
- Interested in upgrading to IO Plus? Learn more about the upgraded, all systems go version of the Adafruit IO service here...
Set up a Group
The first step is to create a new Adafruit IO Group to hold all the feeds associated with the PyPortal Weather Station (for more information about feeds, visit this guide). We are using a group to reduce the amount of requests the PyPortal needs to make to Adafruit IO and to group all the feeds for this project in one place.
To create a group, navigate to the feeds page on Adafruit IO. Then click Actions -> Create New Group, and name the group weatherstation.
Set up Feeds
The first step is to create a new Adafruit IO feed to hold the UV Level reported by the VEML6075 sensor. From the weatherstation group, click Actions->Create New Feed. Name the new feed uvlevel
To create a new feed, navigate to the weatherstation group.
Click Actions -> Create New Feed.
Then, name the new feed uvlevel
Each Adafruit IO feed corresponds to a specific value sent by a sensor connected to your PyPortal. This project has a lot of incoming data. You'll need to repeat the step above to create the following feeds within the weatherstatation group:
- altitude
- eco2
- humidity
- pressure
- temperature
- tvoc
- uvindex
- windspeed
Once completed, the weatherstation group should look like the following:
Optional - Build a Dashboard
Dashboards allow you to visualize data and control Adafruit IO connected projects from any modern web browser. Blocks such as charts, sliders, and buttons are available to help you quickly get your IoT project up and running without the need for any custom code.
Since you'll be monitoring data using the PyPortal's built-in display, building a dashboard is optional for this project.
You are also going to need your Adafruit IO username and secret API key.
Navigate to your profile and click the View AIO Key button to retrieve them. Write them down in a safe place, you'll need them for the next step.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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