OK, let's load up our PyPortal with the hurricane tracker code. You'll need a few additional libraries, as mentioned below. You'll also need the BMP files for the map and icons. And finally, there's the code itself.
Note - the hurricane tracker version provided here is for the Atlantic Ocean only. The NOAA JSON data source also covers the Eastern and Central Pacific. We think adapting this code for those regions would make for a fun knowledge building exercise.
In addition to all the libraries needed for the PyPortal (see PyPortal CircuitPython Setup), you'll also need these libraries:
- adafruit_display_shapes
- simpleio
Make sure your CIRCUITPY/lib folder contains them.
This is the sprite sheet bitmap used for the storm icons. Save this as storm_icons.bmp in your CIRCUITPY folder:
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Carter Nelson for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import time import math import board import displayio import terminalio from simpleio import map_range import adafruit_imageload from adafruit_pyportal import PyPortal from adafruit_display_text.label import Label from adafruit_display_shapes.line import Line # --| User Config |--------------------------------------------------- UPDATE_RATE = 60 # minutes MAX_STORMS = 3 # limit storms NAME_COLOR = 0xFFFFFF # label text color NAME_BG_COLOR = 0x000000 # label background color ARROW_COLOR = 0x0000FF # movement direction arrow color ARROW_LENGTH = 15 # movement direction arrow length LAT_RANGE = (45, 5) # set to match map LON_RANGE = (-100, -40) # set to match map # -------------------------------------------------------------------- URL = "https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/CurrentStorms.json" JSON_PATH = ["activeStorms"] # setup pyportal pyportal = PyPortal( status_neopixel=board.NEOPIXEL, default_bg="/map.bmp", ) # setup display group for storms icons_bmp, icons_pal = adafruit_imageload.load( "/storm_icons.bmp", bitmap=displayio.Bitmap, palette=displayio.Palette ) for i, c in enumerate(icons_pal): if c == 0xFFFF00: icons_pal.make_transparent(i) storm_icons = displayio.Group() pyportal.splash.append(storm_icons) STORM_CLASS = ("TD", "TS", "HU") # setup info label info_update = Label( terminalio.FONT, text="1984-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", color=NAME_COLOR, background_color=NAME_BG_COLOR, ) info_update.anchor_point = (0.0, 1.0) info_update.anchored_position = (10, board.DISPLAY.height - 10) pyportal.splash.append(info_update) # these are need for lat/lon to screen x/y mapping VIRTUAL_WIDTH = board.DISPLAY.width * 360 / (LON_RANGE[1] - LON_RANGE[0]) VIRTUAL_HEIGHT = board.DISPLAY.height * 360 / (LAT_RANGE[0] - LAT_RANGE[1]) Y_OFFSET = math.radians(LAT_RANGE[0]) Y_OFFSET = math.tan(math.pi / 4 + Y_OFFSET / 2) Y_OFFSET = math.log(Y_OFFSET) Y_OFFSET = (VIRTUAL_WIDTH * Y_OFFSET) / (2 * math.pi) Y_OFFSET = VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 2 - Y_OFFSET def update_display(): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # clear out existing icons while len(storm_icons): _ = storm_icons.pop() # get latest storm data try: resp = pyportal.network.fetch(URL) storm_data = pyportal.network.process_json(resp.json(), (JSON_PATH,))[0] except RuntimeError: return print("Number of storms:", len(storm_data)) # parse the storm data for storm in storm_data: # don't exceed max if len(storm_icons) >= MAX_STORMS: continue # get lat/lon lat = storm["latitudeNumeric"] lon = storm["longitudeNumeric"] # check if on map if ( not LAT_RANGE[0] >= lat >= LAT_RANGE[1] or not LON_RANGE[0] <= lon <= LON_RANGE[1] ): continue # OK, let's make a group for all the graphics storm_gfx = displayio.Group() # convert to sreen coords x = int(map_range(lon, LON_RANGE[0], LON_RANGE[1], 0, board.DISPLAY.width - 1)) y = math.radians(lat) y = math.tan(math.pi / 4 + y / 2) y = math.log(y) y = (VIRTUAL_WIDTH * y) / (2 * math.pi) y = VIRTUAL_HEIGHT / 2 - y y = int(y - Y_OFFSET) # icon type if storm["classification"] in STORM_CLASS: storm_type = STORM_CLASS.index(storm["classification"]) else: storm_type = 0 # create storm icon icon = displayio.TileGrid( icons_bmp, pixel_shader=icons_pal, width=1, height=1, tile_width=16, tile_height=16, default_tile=storm_type, x=x - 8, y=y - 8, ) # add storm icon storm_gfx.append(icon) # add a label name = Label( terminalio.FONT, text=storm["name"], color=NAME_COLOR, background_color=NAME_BG_COLOR, ) name.anchor_point = (0.0, 1.0) name.anchored_position = (x + 8, y - 8) storm_gfx.append(name) # add direction arrow angle = math.radians(storm["movementDir"]) xd = x + int(ARROW_LENGTH * math.sin(angle)) yd = y - int(ARROW_LENGTH * math.cos(angle)) arrow = Line(x, y, xd, yd, color=ARROW_COLOR) storm_gfx.append(arrow) # add the storm graphics storm_icons.append(storm_gfx) # update time info_update.text = storm["lastUpdate"] # debug print( "{} @ {},{}".format( storm["name"], storm["latitudeNumeric"], storm["longitudeNumeric"] ) ) # no storms? at least say something if not len(storm_icons): print("No storms in map area.") storm_icons.append( Label( terminalio.FONT, scale=4, x=50, y=110, text="NO STORMS\n IN AREA", color=NAME_COLOR, background_color=NAME_BG_COLOR, ) ) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # M A I N # -------------------------------------------------------------------- update_display() last_update = time.monotonic() while True: now = time.monotonic() if now - last_update > UPDATE_RATE * 60: print("Updating...") update_display() last_update = now
Make sure your PyPortal CIRCUITPY drive has these files in the right directories:
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