Click the Download Project Bundle button below to get the CircuitPython code, the needed libraries, the fonts and the authenticator app.
Copy and the lib and fonts folders to the root directory of your CIRCUITPY drive in File Explorer or Finder (depending on your operating system). This should overwrite the authenticator code with the calendar event display code.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Brent Rubell, written for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense import os import time from adafruit_oauth2 import OAuth2 from adafruit_display_shapes.line import Line from adafruit_pyportal import PyPortal import rtc # Calendar ID CALENDAR_ID = "YOUR_CAL_ID" # Maximum amount of events to display MAX_EVENTS = 5 # Amount of time to wait between refreshing the calendar, in minutes REFRESH_TIME = 15 MONTHS = { 1: "Jan", 2: "Feb", 3: "Mar", 4: "Apr", 5: "May", 6: "Jun", 7: "Jul", 8: "Aug", 9: "Sep", 10: "Oct", 11: "Nov", 12: "Dec", } # Dict. of day names for pretty-printing the header WEEKDAYS = { 0: "Monday", 1: "Tuesday", 2: "Wednesday", 3: "Thursday", 4: "Friday", 5: "Saturday", 6: "Sunday", } # Create the PyPortal object pyportal = PyPortal() r = rtc.RTC() # Initialize an OAuth2 object with GCal API scope scopes = [""] google_auth = OAuth2(, os.getenv("GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID"), os.getenv("GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET"), scopes, os.getenv("GOOGLE_ACCESS_TOKEN"), os.getenv("GOOGLE_REFRESH_TOKEN"), ) def get_current_time(time_max=False): """Gets local time from Adafruit IO and converts to RFC3339 timestamp.""" # Get local time from Adafruit IO pyportal.get_local_time(os.getenv("TIMEZONE")) # Format as RFC339 timestamp cur_time = r.datetime if time_max: # maximum time to fetch events is midnight (4:59:59UTC) cur_time_max = time.struct_time( ( cur_time[0], cur_time[1], cur_time[2] + 1, 4, 59, 59, cur_time[6], cur_time[7], cur_time[8], ) ) cur_time = cur_time_max cur_time = "{:04d}-{:02d}-{:02d}T{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}{:s}".format( cur_time[0], cur_time[1], cur_time[2], cur_time[3], cur_time[4], cur_time[5], "Z", ) return cur_time def get_calendar_events(calendar_id, max_events, time_min): """Returns events on a specified calendar. Response is a list of events ordered by their start date/time in ascending order. """ time_max = get_current_time(time_max=True) print("Fetching calendar events from {0} to {1}".format(time_min, time_max)) headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer " + google_auth.access_token, "Accept": "application/json", "Content-Length": "0", } url = ( "{0}" "/events?maxResults={1}&timeMin={2}&timeMax={3}&orderBy=startTime" "&singleEvents=true".format(calendar_id, max_events, time_min, time_max) ) resp =, headers=headers) resp_json = resp.json() if "error" in resp_json: raise RuntimeError("Error:", resp_json) resp.close() # parse the 'items' array so we can iterate over it easier items = [] resp_items = resp_json["items"] if not resp_items: print("No events scheduled for today!") for event in range(0, len(resp_items)): items.append(resp_items[event]) return items def format_datetime(datetime, pretty_date=False): """Formats ISO-formatted datetime returned by Google Calendar API into a struct_time. :param str datetime: Datetime string returned by Google Calendar API :return: struct_time """ times = datetime.split("T") the_date = times[0] the_time = times[1] year, month, mday = [int(x) for x in the_date.split("-")] the_time = the_time.split("-")[0] if "Z" in the_time: the_time = the_time.split("Z")[0] hours, minutes, _ = [int(x) for x in the_time.split(":")] am_pm = "am" if hours >= 12: am_pm = "pm" # convert to 12hr time hours -= 12 # via formatted_time = "{:01d}:{:02d}{:s}".format(hours, minutes, am_pm) if pretty_date: # return a nice date for header label formatted_date = "{} {}.{:02d}, {:04d} ".format( WEEKDAYS[r.datetime[6]], MONTHS[month], mday, year ) return formatted_date # Event occurs today, return the time only return formatted_time def create_event_labels(): for event_idx in range(MAX_EVENTS): event_start_label = pyportal.add_text( text_font=font_events, text_position=(7, 70 + (event_idx * 40)), text_color=0x000000, ) event_text_label = pyportal.add_text( text_font=font_events, text_position=(88, 70 + (event_idx * 40)), text_color=0x000000, line_spacing=0.75, ) event_labels.append((event_start_label, event_text_label)) def display_calendar_events(resp_events): # Display all calendar events for event_idx in range(len(resp_events)): event = resp_events[event_idx] # wrap event name around second line if necessary event_name = PyPortal.wrap_nicely(event["summary"], 25) event_name = "\n".join(event_name[0:2]) # only wrap 2 lines, truncate third.. event_start = event["start"]["dateTime"] print("-" * 40) print("Event Description: ", event_name) print("Event Time:", format_datetime(event_start)) print("-" * 40) pyportal.set_text(format_datetime(event_start), event_labels[event_idx][0]) pyportal.set_text(event_name, event_labels[event_idx][1]) # Clear any unused labels for event_idx in range(len(resp_events), MAX_EVENTS): pyportal.set_text("", event_labels[event_idx][0]) pyportal.set_text("", event_labels[event_idx][1]) pyportal.set_background(0xFFFFFF) # Set up calendar event fonts font_events = "fonts/Arial-14.pcf" # Add the header line_header = Line(0, 50, 320, 50, color=0x000000) pyportal.splash.append(line_header) label_header = pyportal.add_text( text_font="fonts/Arial-18.pcf", text_position=(10, 30), text_color=0x000000, ) event_labels = [] create_event_labels() if not google_auth.refresh_access_token(): raise RuntimeError("Unable to refresh access token - has the token been revoked?") access_token_obtained = int(time.monotonic()) events = [] while True: # check if we need to refresh token if ( int(time.monotonic()) - access_token_obtained >= google_auth.access_token_expiration ): print("Access token expired, refreshing...") if not google_auth.refresh_access_token(): raise RuntimeError( "Unable to refresh access token - has the token been revoked?" ) access_token_obtained = int(time.monotonic()) # fetch calendar events! print("fetching local time...") now = get_current_time() # setup header label pyportal.set_text(format_datetime(now, pretty_date=True), label_header) print("fetching calendar events...") events = get_calendar_events(CALENDAR_ID, MAX_EVENTS, now) print("displaying events") display_calendar_events(events) print("Sleeping for %d minutes" % REFRESH_TIME) time.sleep(REFRESH_TIME * 60)
You should have the following files on your CIRCUITPY drive.
If you're missing any files, look in the Download Project Bundle zip file and copy what you're missing.
Set Google Calendar ID
Before using this code with your calendar, you'll need to obtain the Google calendar's unique identifier. Navigate to the Google Calendar Settings Page and click the calendar you'd like to display on the PyPortal.
Before using this code with your calendar, you'll need to obtain the Google calendar's unique identifier.
Navigate to the Google Calendar Settings Page and click the calendar you'd like to display on the PyPortal.
In the file, set CALENDAR_ID
using the calendar ID you obtained above.
Every 15 minutes, the PyPortal will attempt to fetch your calendar's latest events and display three of them on the screen.
Once an event finishes and the PyPortal refreshes, it will be removed from the display.
Change the refresh rate
After fetching and displaying calendar events, the waits for 15 minutes. Modify the following line in the code to reflect how long the PyPortal will wait between refreshing the calendar events, in minutes.
# Amount of time to wait between refreshing the calendar, in minutes REFRESH_TIME = 15
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