In the code.py file (which you will have renamed from electioncal.py), you can change the location for which you want to display the election data in this lines:
# Change this to your state and county, replacing spaces for underscores and in lowercase STATE="new_york" COUNTY="new_york"
Adafruit IO Time Server
In order to get the precise time, our project will query the Adafruit IO Internet of Things service for the time. Adafruit IO is absolutely free to use, but you'll need to log in with your Adafruit account to use it. If you don't already have an Adafruit login, create one here.
If you haven't used Adafruit IO before, check out this guide for more info.
Once you have logged into your account, there are two pieces of information you'll need to place in your secrets.py file: Adafruit IO username
, and Adafruit IO key
. Head to io.adafruit.com and simply click the View AIO Key link on the left hand side of the Adafruit IO page to get this information.
Then, add them to the secrets.py file like this:
secrets = { 'ssid' : 'your_wifi_ssid', 'password' : 'your_wifi_password', 'aio_username' : '_your_aio_username_', 'aio_key' : '_your_big_huge_super_long_aio_key_' }
Installing Project Code
To use with CircuitPython, you need to first install a few libraries, into the lib folder on your CIRCUITPY drive. Then you need to update code.py with the example script.
Thankfully, we can do this in one go. In the example below, click the Download Project Bundle button below to download the necessary libraries and the code.py file in a zip file. Extract the contents of the zip file, open the directory PyPortal_Electioncal_US/ and then click on the directory that matches the version of CircuitPython you're using and copy the contents of that directory to your CIRCUITPY drive.
Your CIRCUITPY drive should now look similar to the following image:

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Alvaro Figueroa for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import sys import time import board from adafruit_pyportal import PyPortal cwd = ("/"+__file__).rsplit('/', 1)[0] # the current working directory (where this file is) sys.path.append(cwd) import electioncal_graphics # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position # Get wifi details and more from a secrets.py file try: from secrets import secrets # pylint: disable=unused-import except ImportError: print("WiFi secrets are kept in secrets.py, please add them there!") raise # Change this to your state and county, replacing spaces for underscores and in lowercase STATE="new_york" COUNTY="new_york" DATA_SOURCE = "https://electioncal.us/en/" + STATE +"/" + COUNTY + "/voter.json" DATA_LOCATION = [] # Initialize the pyportal object and let us know what data to fetch and where # to display it pyportal = PyPortal(url=DATA_SOURCE, json_path=DATA_LOCATION, status_neopixel=board.NEOPIXEL, default_bg=0x000000) gfx = electioncal_graphics.Electioncal_Graphics(pyportal.splash, am_pm=True) display_refresh = None while True: # only query the online time once per hour (and on first run) if (not display_refresh) or (time.monotonic() - display_refresh) > 3600: try: print("Getting time from internet!") pyportal.get_local_time() display_refresh = time.monotonic() except RuntimeError as e: print("Some error occured, retrying! -", e) continue try: value = pyportal.fetch() #print("Response is", value) gfx.load_data(value) except RuntimeError as e: print("Some error occured, retrying! -", e) continue try: gfx.elections_cycle() except RuntimeError as e: print("Some error ocurred, retrying! -", e) continue
How It Works
The PyPortal Electioncal US has a few steps it takes to provide you with the information desired. It has a boot-up screen, a nice simple background, and multiple fonts for displaying the election dates.
PyPortal Constructor
When setting up the pyportal
constructor, we are providing it with these things:
to query -
to traverse and find the key:value pairs we need -
default background color
First, it displays a bitmap graphic as the screen's startup background while getting ready to download the Election dates. This is a 320 x 240 pixel RGB 16-bit raster graphic in .bmp format.
Next, the program connects through the WiFi to get the local time via the adafruit.io server, for which we will display today's date at the bottom of the screen, to give you better context of the election dates.
API Query and JSON
At the top of this page, you configured:
DATA_SOURCE = "https://electioncal.us/en/" + STATE +"/" + COUNTY + "/voter.json"
This, with the STATE and COUNTY you defined, will turn into something like (New York County, New York State in this example):
When this query is complete, it returns a JSON file that looks like this:
{ "version": 0, "name": null, "description": null, "dates": [ { "date": "2020-04-28", "name": "Presidential Primary", "original_date": "2020-04-28", "state": "New York", "county": "New York County", "key": "20200428", "type": "election" }, { "state": "New York", "county": "New York County", "name": "Mail voter registration", "type": "reminder", "election_key": "20200623", "subtype": "registration.received_by", "date": "2020-05-26", "postmark_too_late": true, "deadline_date": "2020-06-03", "explanation": "Voter registration must be received by June 3rd." } ] }
Here is the same file beautified with the Firefox browser's built in tools (You can also use online code "beautifiers" such as https://codebeautify.org/jsonviewer or http://jsonviewer.stack.hu) :
With the PyPortal set up, we can then use pyportal.fetch()
and then from the screen object we call load_data()
to load the JSON data to a way that is easy to pass through all the dates.
All of the heavy lifting of parsing that data and displaying it as text or bitmaps is done in the electioncal_graphics.py code.
JSON Traversal
The JSON file is formatted in a way that makes it easy to traverse the hierarchy and parse the data. In it, you'll see keys, such as state
, county
, name
, type
and date
, and their respective values. So, here are some key : value pairs we care about:
state: "New York"
county: "New York County"
name: "Presidential Primary"
date: "2020-04-28"
In order to fetch this data from the file, we need to be able to describe their locations in the file hierarchically. This is helpful, for example, in differentiating between the 'name'
value that you have in the Presidential Primary and the 'name'
of the Mail voter registration. To avoid name clashing, we rely on JSON traversal.
In the electioncal_graphics.py file, you'll see how this is done. For example, the first date is found in this hierarchy of the JSON file: ["dates"][0]["date"]
In this case the number 0
is quite important, as it has the sub-tree that is relevant for the first, date, but if you change it to a number such as 1
or 2
, you will print the second and third date. Please note that the counter starts at zero.
Depending of the STATE and COUNTY you configured, you will have several election dates, so the program then tries to replace this number by [i]
, so that we can display not one date but many, and cycle them through the screen.
The data is displayed as text created with bitmapped fonts to overlay on top of the background. The fonts used here are bitmap fonts made from the Arial typeface. You can learn more about converting type in this guide.
Let's have a look at how the electioncal_graphics.py code places the elements on screen. Below, we can see the icon and text that are displayed. The items in quotes are the key names from the JSON file, and their values are what we see displayed using the CircuitPython label
from the displayio
Temporarily unable to load content:
Text Position
Depending on the design of your background bitmap and the length of the text you're displaying, you may want to reposition the text and caption.
The PyPortal's display is 320 pixels wide and 240 pixels high. In order to refer to those positions on the screen, we use an x/y coordinate system, where x is horizontal and y is vertical.
The origin of this coordinate system is the upper left corner. This means that a pixel placed at the upper left corner would be (0,0) and the lower right corner would be (320, 240).
So, if you wanted to move the subscriber count text to the right and up closer to the top, your code may look like this for that part of the pyportal constructor: text_position=(250, 10)
Text Color
Another way to customize your display is to adjust the color of the text. The line text_color=0xFFFFFF
in the constructor shows how. You will need to use the hexadecimal value for any color you want to display.
You can use something like https://htmlcolorcodes.com/ to pick your color and then copy the hex value, in this example it would be 0x0ED9EE
Now, we get ready to assemble the case on the next page.
Page last edited January 22, 2025
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