The PyPortal fetches and sets the microcontroller's current UTC time. This may take up to 15 seconds.
Formatting the Name Label
Add spaces to the left of the TOTP key name in the totp_keys
list to pad the left side:
When the timer is five seconds away from refreshing, the progress bar will change from white to red.
Once the time hits zero, the progress bar resets and the key regenerates.
Customizing the Authentication Friend
Everyone's desk is different and we can do a bit of customization to our PyPortal authentication friend.
In the file, change BACKGROUND = 0x0
to a new hexadecimal color value and save the file.
Customizing the Buttons
We can change the button's fill color and text color.
To change the button's fill color: in the file, change BTN_COLOR = 0xFFFFFF
to a hexadecimal color value.
To change the button's text color: in the file, change BTN_TEXT_COLOR
to a hexadecimal color value.
Formatting the Name Label
The x-location for the name label is zero by default. You may need to modify the totp_keys
list to center shorter TOTP key names.
In, add spaces to the left of the the key in totp_keys
to center the names, if desired:
'totp_keys' : [(" Discord", "JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP"), (" Gmail", "JBSWY3DPEHPK3PZP"), (" GitHub", "JBSWY5DZEHPK3PXP"), (" Adafruit", "JBSWY6DZEHPK3PXP"), (" Outlook", "JBSWY7DZEHPK3PXP")]
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