Get ready for your next conference with the PyBadge Conference Badge. With this simple project, not only can you show off some of your basic details for people to contact you, but you can also control the NeoPixels at the bottom to draw people's attention to your badge.
This project displays a simple name tag that is drawn using code, so it is easy to customize without the need to do any graphical editing. Additionally, since CircuitPython is capable of displaying unicode, fonts are very customizable.
Be sure to grab a lanyard so you can easily show off your badge.
This project doesn't use the speaker, but they're inexpensive and very easy to add in case you decide to get creative and add sound.
Also, be sure to pick up a couple of batteries in case they get low on power so you can just swap them out. The PyBadge comes with built-in charging circuitry, so they're very easy to charge.
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