In this project we’re making a case for the Adafruit PyBadge. This 3d printed case is designed for a lanyard so you can use it as a conference badge.
The case is 3d printed in translucent PLA and does not require any support material. A little actuator fits inside the case so you can easily trigger the reset button. The PCB press fits nicely and doesn’t require any hardware screws. The top cover features cutouts for the display and all the buttons.
MakeCode Arcade
MakeCode Arcade is a block based editor for programming your own games. It’s designed for beginners and features tutorials so you can customize them or build your own. The built-in tools like the sprite editor, let you easily create assets and animations.
The Adafruit PyBadge pairs with MakeCode so you can program and upload yours games over USB. With MakeCode Arcade, you can build platforms, side-scrollers, shooters and puzzle type games.
MakeCode Arcade Guides
Use the learn guides linked below to get started with game developement using Microsoft MakeCode Arcade.
Parts List
An easy to copy and paste list of parts used in this project.
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