Here's another take on the electronic animated eye project by Phillip Burgess. Inspired by Sheb Wooley's 1958 hit novelty song, we present our one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater…
Like the bowler hat project, this one uses a single eye, making it more affordable and easier to build than its two-eyed brethren. It can also be installed as a functional doorbell, perfect for Halloween!
Prerequisite Guides
We recommend following the guides below to get familiar with the components used in this project.
Parts List
- Adafruit 1.44" TFT Display
- Teensy 3.2 / Teensy 3.1
- Adafruit Lipoly Backpack
- 500mAh Lithium Polyer Battery
- Slide Switch
- 2x 16mm Momentary Pushbutton
- UV Purple 5mm LED
- 1x Acrylic Cabochron
- 4x #4-40 3/8 flat Phillip machine screws
This project uses two push buttons, one triggers the eye blinking, and the other rings the doorbell. The wiring should never be crossed/mixed up. Doorbells are typically higher-voltage (10 to 20V) alternating current and will totally blue-smoke the electronics, if triggered by a single button.
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