The Teensy++ is a complete USB-based microcontoller development system, in a very small footprint! All programming is done via the USB port. No special programmer is needed, only a...
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Simple needlenose pliers for twisting, pulling and pliering your project.
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This is a cute, half-size breadboard with 400 tie points, good for small projects. It's 3.25" x 2.2" / 8.3cm x 5.5cm with a standard double-strip in the...
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You take your soldering seriously, so you deserve a serious IC extractor tool. We purposefully never carried the cheap bent-sheet IC extractors, and if you've ever used one you...
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Perfect for bread-boarding, free wiring, etc. This box contains 6 spools of solid-core wire. The wire is easy to solder to and when bent it keeps its shape pretty well. We like to have...
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This 'pen-style' soldering iron is just about the best entry-level tool I've seen. It's not as powerful as a Weller WES51 but it is self-contained and easy to...
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If you want to make a kit you'll need some solder. This 1/4 lb (about 110 gram) spool is just the right amount, not too much (like 1 lb spools) and not too little (like those...
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