OK now that we have all that software, the rest isn't too tough!
Load an Arduino Sketch in Atmel Studio 7
Start by launching Atmel Studio 7
Create a new Project
And select Create project from Arduino sketch
Navigate to your arduino sketchfolder and select the sketch. I recommend starting with the easy-to-understand Blink
Also select the Arduino IDE location if necessary. For Board go with Arduino/Genuino Zero (Programming Port) and under Device, ATSAMD21G18A
You'll see the following, where the sketch is in a window, you can edit the code here if you like. For now just leave it as is.
Set Up and Check Interface
OK next up we'll attach the chip & debugger. You have two options:
Arduino Zero Debug port
This is super easy, just connect a USB micro B cable to your Arduino Zero
J-Link to SWD
If you have a board without an EDBG chip on it, you can still debug, but you'll need a helper such as a J-Link. We like using this handy adapter board
To get the large J-Link cable do the 'classic' 2x5 SWD cable connector
If you are debugging a board that doesn't even have an SWD connector on it, you may need to solder to the SWD pads
You need to connect the following to the J-Link:
- Vref / Vtarget - Logic voltage of the chip, in this case 3.3V
- GND to common ground
I haven't found I need to connect the chip's RESET line
Identify Interface
OK now you have your debugger plugged in, its good to check that it works, select Device Programming
Under Tool make sure you can select EDBG or J-Link
Select ATSAMD21G18A as the device, SWD as the interface and hit Apply
You can then Read the Device Signature. Make sure this all works before you continue!
If you are asked to update the J-Link or EDBG firmware, its OK to do so now.
Build & Start Debugging
OK close out the modal programming window, we dont need it for now. Build the program
Add a Break by clicking on the first DigitalWrite function call, you'll see a red dot
Now run Start Debugging and Break
You'll get prompted to select a debugging tool
Go thru what you did before, selecting the programmer and processor
Once done go back and re-run Start Debugging
You'll end up in a strange code, labeled int main(void) { this is the main entry point to the sketch. Normally this part is never seen, it's what sets up the Arduino before you get to the setup section of the sketch!
Select Continue to skip ahead to your stopping point
Now you'll end up at that DigitalWrite with the red dot. Note that you stop right before this gets run.
Now select Step Over to execute that line. Since you're in step-debugging mode you'll have to Step each function call you want to run. If you just want to continue running the code without any delays or steps, click on Continue like you did before
You can also dig deeper into a function with Step Into
This will let you go into the function call, to see what goes on inside. You can then continue to step over, step in or step out (complete the function)
You can also see variable names below, and the entirety of memory. Since this is just a basic tutorial we wont go into the vast depths of debugging, stack traces, and memory twiddling!
There's a ton more details on the Atmel Studio documentation page
Fixing other errors
Thanks to dgube1 in the forums for running into and finding a fix for this one. Read the post here for more details.
If you are getting a bunch of errors when you try to build the solution, you may need to remove the "math_helper" source files from the project. In the Solution Explorer (see below):
- Remove math_helper.h from ArduinoCore/include/core
- Remove math_helper.c from ArduinoCore/src/core
And hopefully that will help.
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