Not sure what time it is? Never quite got the hang of reading an analog clock? Ask Adabot! In this project, you'll use an RP2040 Prop-Maker Feather running CircuitPython with a DS3231 real-time clock breakout to build a friendly, talking clock. Whenever you press the button on the top of Adabot's head, he will announce the current time for you.
Adabot's head is a remix of...Adabot's head from the Adabot Toy Robot Friend project. To accommodate the clock electronics, Adabot's head was lengthened and a few mounting holes were added.
Adabot Clock: The Remix
If this project sounds familiar, that's because it's a remake of the fantastic Wave Shield Talking Clock project by Phil B. That build was coded with Arduino and used the Wave Shield attached to an Arduino Uno. With the release of the RP2040 Prop-Maker Feather, it felt like a great time to revisit this idea.
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