If you love the satisfaction of pressure washing dirt off of driveways, house siding, benches, and more, but want to do so virtually, than you may want to keep the party going with the PowerWash Simulator game for Windows PCs. However, mouse and keyboard control are a bit of a letdown compared to the real thing. That's why we've created the PowerWash Simulator Nozzle Controller!
Heft a real pressure washer nozzle in your hands and aim at all that dirt and grime to blast it away. A CircuitPython-powered QT Py RP2040 with BNO055 9-DOF orientation sensor know where you're aiming! A connected Wiichuck provides extra controls for triggering the water, movement, and more.
PC and Game
You'll need a Windows PC and the PowerWash Simulator game as well. This is not tested with with console versions of the game.
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