Prep Trellis LEDs
Let's start off by adding LEDs to the Trellis PCB. Secure the PCB to a Panavise Jr. Insert the first LED into one of the spots with the longer leg going into the positive+ through hole. Flip the board over and bend the terminals so the LED stays in place.
Solder LEDs
Double check the polarities for each LED before soldering. Snip off the leads from the LED when you're complete soldering. Try to do one LED at a time. You'll need to do this for all 16 buttons.
Prep Backpack & Slide Switch
Next up we need to wire up a slide switch to the Pro Trinket lipo backpack add-on. You'll need to measure and cut two pieces of 30AWG wire to about 10cm in length.
Prep Backpack & Switch Wires
Break the trace in the Lipo backpack to enable the on/off slide switch. Use wire strippers to strips the ends of each wire. Apply solder to the tips so the stranded wires are tinned.
Wire Slide Switch
Tin two fo the leads on the slide switch - the middle one and another one next to it. Solder the two 30AWG wires to the terminals on the slide switch. Add a pieces of heat shrink tubing to insulate the connections.
Solder Slide Switch to Backpack
Tin the two pins on the Pro Trinket lipo backpack. Hit the two pins with your soldering iron and slowly insert the wires into the pin through holes while the solder is melty.
Prep Pro Trinket & Backpack Wires
We're going to connect the lipo backpack to the Pro Trinket. Measure and cut three pieces of 30AWG wires to about 10cm in length. Strip and tin the ends of each wire.
Wire Pro Trinket to Backpack
Tin the three pins on the Lipo backpack. Solder the three wires to BAT, G and 5V. Secure the Pro Trinket to the panavise jr. Tin the BAT, G and BUS pins on the Pro Trinket. Solder the wires BAT to BAT, G to G and 5V to BUS.
Wire Pro Trinket to Audio FX Soundboard
Secure the Pro Trinket to third-helping hands and the Audio FX Soundboard to the Panavise Jr. Tin the positive and negatives JST pads on both PCBs, located on the back, underneath the microUSB connectors.
Measure up two pieces fo 30AWG to about 5cm in length. Strip and tin the tips of each wire. Solder wires to connect the positive and negative pins together.
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