Download & Burn RetroPie
Game emulation is handled by a package called RetroPie. It’s a complete Linux distribution designed specifically for running classic games on Raspberry Pi.
Download the current version from the RetroPie web site, then write this to an SD card using Etcher or similar software.
We’ll then make some modifications to tune this for the PiGRRL’s buttons and small display.
Setup will require an HDMI monitor, USB keyboard and a network connection (a USB WiFi or Ethernet dongle, for example). This is best done before the Pi is enclosed in the PiGRRL case. If you have a spare Raspberry Pi board around, that’s an ideal option…you could prepare the software on that system and then move the card over to the PiGRRL.
A USB/Ethernet hub + a Keyboard is ideal.

Setup RetroPie
Insert the RetroPie card to your Pi, attach monitor and keyboard (and Ethernet, if networking that way), then power the system from a USB power source (a USB phone charger or a powered USB hub can usually work). The system will automatically reboot once (it needs this to make use of the whole SD card), then on second boot it will ask to configure the game controls…
The PiGRRL buttons don’t work yet; this is normal. For initial setup, use the USB keyboard to select the D-pad directions (arrow keys), Start, Select, A and B keys. For anything else, just hold down the space bar or other key to skip that item . Don't worry, we'll re-do the keymap later once we've finished assembly! When finished, you’ll see a graphical interface called Emulation Station where you’ll select games and other options.
Let’s get this Raspberry Pi on the network first. If WiFi, from the main EmulationStation screen, access the RetroPie settings using whatever key you’ve assigned as the “A” button. You’ll see WIFI in this list:
Here you can select your WiFi network name and enter a password. It’s not beautiful, but gets the job done.
Select “Exit” when done to return to the EmulationStation UI…
With networking enabled, we can now access the remaining software needed for the PiGRRL 2 experience. There are a couple ways to do this…
BEST: Use an ssh terminal client to log into the Raspberry Pi at retropie.local
This is recommended, as you can just copy-and-paste the commands that follow. The default name and password are “pi” and “raspberry,” respectively. - OR: Press “F4” to exit EmulationStation for a command-line prompt (works, but you’ll need to type these commands exactly).
Testing Retrogame
Once the SD card is finished, insert it into the Pi and boot it up. You should get emulation station to boot automatically. Configure your controls using a keyboard and test out the games in the ports section to make sure everything is running properly.
cd curl > sudo bash
Select the “Pocket PiGRRL” option, which sets up various system parameters to match this project.
Answer “NO” to the reboot question…
Edit Config.txt
For optimized speed and decent audio from the emulators, may want to to tweak some settings in the config.txt file, for overclocking/gpu configuration
gpu_mem=44 disable_audio_dither=1 overscan_scale=1 #gpu_mem_256=128 #gpu_mem_512=256 #gpu_mem_1024=256 dtoverlay=pitft22,rotate=270,speed=60000000,fps=40 display_rotate=0 hdmi_cvt=320 240 60 1 0 0 0 arm_freq=1000 core_freq=500 sdram_freq=450 over_voltage=6
Also, set the audio to 3.5mm with sudo raspi-config (under Advanced/Audio)
Installing Keypress (retrogame) support
let’s take care of this second script, which enables the PiGRRL buttons:
cd curl > sudo bash
Again, select the “Pocket PiGRRL” option. When finished, now you can reboot when prompted.
After rebooting, the HDMI monitor may display a “no signal” message. This is normal. Not all monitors can handle the resolution setting we’re using. Once the PiTFT is wired up, that will be the primary display.
Also, after the system is assembled with the PiTFT and controls, you’ll need to re-do the controller setup. This might wait ’til all the parts are assembled in the case.
From the main EmulationStation screen, press whatever key was assigned to the “Start” button to access the main menu. You’ll find an option here for “CONFIGURE INPUT.”
Go through the control setup process again using the PiGRRL buttons now instead of the keyboard; assign the D-pad directions, Start and Select buttons, A, B, X and Y. For anything else, hold down a key or button to skip it.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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