Prep PowerBoost 1000C
Next up we need to wire up the slide switch to the powerboost 1000c breakout. Secure the PCB to the helping third hands. We need to tin three pins so we can insert the wires from the slide switch. Heat up a pin with the tip of the soldering iron and apply solder. Tin pins 5V, G, GND, EN (we also did VBat but it isnt required). The pins should look like they have little soldered beads.
Wire Powerboost 1000C
Secure the breakout to the third helping hands and position it close to enclosure. Heat up the pins on the breakout board with the soldering iron and insert the wire. You’ll want to do this pretty quickly, about 5 seconds for each connection. Blue to GND and green to EN. You can skip the red wire, we don't need it.
Thread Mounting Holes
It's a good idea to thead the holes on the PCB to make it easier to mount to the enclosure. #4-40 3/8 flat phillips machine screws work best.
Install PowerBoost 1000C
With the wires on the powerboost soldered, you can release it from the third helping hands. It’s a good idea to tuck the wires underneath the board before mounting it. Position the breakout over the bottom enclosure with the USB port facing the cut out. You’ll want to tuck the three wires from the slide switch underneath the PowerBoost 1000c. The stand-offs should give you enough clearance.
Mount PowerBoost 1000C
You’ll need #4-40 ⅜ Phillips flat machine screws to mount the board to the enclosure. Hold the breakout board in place while you insert and fasten two #4-40 machine screws into the enclosure.
Test PowerBoost 1000C
Plug in the JST cable from the rechargeable battery into the JST port. Flip the slide switch on to test if the circuit is working. The blue LED should turn on, indicating the battery is charged and ready. If everything lights up, disconnect the battery from the breakout board. If not, double check your wiring.
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