FLORA is Adafruit's fully-featured wearable electronics platform. It's a round, sewable, Arduino-compatible microcontroller designed to empower amazing wearables projects.FLORA...
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This 316L stainless steel thread falls somewhere between a thick thread and a thin yarn. Most sewing machines wouldn't be happy with this thread since its thick, and it has the...
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Mighty needles, sew like the wind! This needle set is the only one you'll need for any sort of hand sewing, especially using our conductive thread and wearable electronics...
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This here is your standard A to micro-B USB cable, for USB 1.1 or 2.0. Perfect for connecting a PC to your Metro, Feather, Raspberry Pi or other dev-board or...
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This woven conductive fabric is silver colored and made of Copper+Nickel-plated polyester. Use small pieces for soft switches, plush keypads, capacitive touch sensors, and other...
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Making Wearables with an Arduino-Compatible Electronics PlatformThis book introduces readers to building wearable electronics projects using Adafruit's tiny...
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Pickup a copy of Getting Started with Adafruit FLORA and then hit the ground running with everything that you need to...
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Sense the world around you! The FLORA Sensor Pack includes many types of sensors for your wearable enjoyment. Sense motion, direction, color, light levels, touch, and connections with...
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Get started with the fabulous Adafruit Flora platform with this lovely starter kit. Included are plenty of parts to make a few different fun projects! There's a Flora motherboard,...
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Get started with the fabulous Adafruit Flora platform with this lovely budget kit, just enough to get you started with this fun wearable computer. Included are enough parts to make...
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