OK, let's test out that this worked. Restart the Arduino IDE and select the board you'll be uploading to, then open the Gamebuino META for Arcada examples. Start with a_hello
Be sure to select your Arcada board. You don't need to overclock or optimize so leave those settings alone.
You must select TinyUSB as the USB Core - that's what we use to have the internal storage appear as a disk drive. It's not the default so be sure to re-select it whenever you open the Arduino IDE
Compile and upload a_Hello to your board. You will see the starting animation and GAMEBUINO text...
Then the 'splash screen' for the game, in this case it just shows the name and indicates for you to press the A button to continue
The next one we suggest you try is c_Controls because you can test the D-Pad (move the ball) and buttons (make sounds)
Disk Drive Usage
You'll note as you run these tests that a CIRCUITPY drive will appear on your computer. This disk drive has the contents of the filesystem (QSPI or SD Card) that you can browse and manage with your computer. Folders appear on the disk drive for each project/game you compile & upload, and will contain files or settings for that game.
Using the Filesystem for Games
Some games will want you to store files on the filesystem. Normally this is an SD card only, but we can use the QSPI storage as the USB disk drive. To demonstrate, load up the Audio demo
In the code A should trigger this line:
music = gb.sound.play("test.wav", true); // true for infinite looping
In this case its looking on the filesystem. Press reset to restart the sketch, the next time the USB drive appears you'll see a new folder called Audio
Download and save this test.wav file into the folder
Once it finishes writing, wait a moment, then try pressing A on the sketch to play the audio!
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