Assembling your Pixies isn't too difficult if you have the right tools and materials. Grab you soldering iron, some thin wire (we like silicone covered 26 AWG) and some thick hefty wire, we used 10AWG stranded.
For the power wires, make sure to get nice hefty ones that can handle the current draw. Of course, it matters how long they're going to be, and how many Pixies are in the chain, and how much they will be lit up. 16 AWG is the recommended size.
You can use a thinner wire for data, in this case we have a ~22AWG data line. It's soldered onto the out pin here
You may also want a thin wire for your microcontroller ground, especially if you are going to power the Pixies seperately
We suggest doing up one Pixie, then testing it. Once you know you're good to go, disconnect it from power and data and solder additional Pixies
(please note, in this photo, the green wire is connected to the output! Just check your Pixies before connecting)
Once you're done with at least on Pixie, go on to the next step where you'll do your test
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