Kodi is a free and open source media player application developed by the Kodi Foundation. It can be used to view all of the images and videos (including launcher footage) recorded by PiGlass, make sure to add /home/pi/Pictures as a picture source and /home/pi/Videos as a video source.
You can install any add-ons that you want. I have YouTube and Netflix, but there are many others available. You can also install the Kore app (Android, iOS) on your smartphone and control Kodi from that.
You should hook your Pi up to a monitor to setup the add-ons you want.
cd RetroPie-Setup sudo ./retropie_setup.sh
Manage packages
Manage opt packages
Install Kodi #166
Run Kodi:
Because the the controller was setup with RetroPie, the controller will just work when Kodi is installed through RetroPie.
The Vufine has one button. You hold it to turn it on/off. When the Vufine is on, if you press the button it changes the viewing mode. It has 3 modes. If you aren't in the fullscreen mode, then when Kodi loads you will get a black screen, press the button on the Vufine until you can see Kodi.
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