Angled shot of a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.
Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W is the latest product in Raspberry Pi's most affordable range of single-board computers. The successor to the breakthrough Raspberry Pi Zero...
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Micro USB to Micro USB OTG Cable
This cable is a little unusual, rather than having a USB A plug on one end, it has two Micro B USB connections! What is this for? It's for when you have a "USB...
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Small Bone Conductor Transducer with Wires
Drown out the voices in your head with a bone conduction transducer! This incredible speaker does not have a moving cone like most speakers you've seen, instead, a small metal rod...
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Angled shot of Zero Spy Camera for Raspberry Pi Zero connected to a ribbon cable.
Is your house haunted? Or, rather, are you convinced that your house is haunted but have never been able to prove it since you've never had a camera that integrated with your...
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Raspberry Pi Zero FPC Camera Cable - 30cm long connected to a Pi zero and Pi camera
This 30cm long camera cable is specifically designed to work with the Raspberry Pi Zero series (including Zero W and Zero WH) Just...
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Break-away 0.1" 2x20-pin Strip Dual Male Header
If we could eat headers, we'd have them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  But we can't :( So we're making the best of it and selling them!This...
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