The Pico W has a relatively small amount of memory, and DVI output and WiFi need a lot of it. As a result, this project is coded up using Arduino. You'll need to install the necessary libraries and add your WiFi and OpenWeatherMap credentials before uploading the code to your Pico W with the Arduino IDE.
Install the Libraries
You can install the libraries for this project using the Library Manager in the Arduino IDE.
Click the Manage Libraries... menu item, search for Adafruit PicoDVI, and select the PicoDVI - Adafruit Fork library:
If asked about dependencies, click "Install all".
Then install the ArduinoJSON library. Click the Manage Libraries... menu item again, search for ArduinoJSON, and select the ArduinoJSON library by Benoit Blanchon:
Finally, install the IRremote library. Click on Manage Libraries... again and search for IRremote and select the IRremote library.
Code Prep
The code consists of a main .ino program file and three header files. The header files store the graphics for the project. You'll need all four of these files to properly compile and run the project. These files are available in the .ZIP folder below or on GitHub.
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Liz Clark for Adafruit Industries // // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // YBox3 with Pico W and DVI PiCowbell // Bouncing ball screensaver written by Phil B. // Update user config section with your information #include <Arduino.h> #include <time.h> #include <WiFi.h> #include <HTTPClient.h> #include <ArduinoJson.h> #include <IRremote.hpp> #include <PicoDVI.h> #include <Fonts/FreeSansBold18pt7b.h> #include <Fonts/FreeSans9pt7b.h> // graphics header files must be included // in the Arduino IDE project: #include "graphics.h" #include "weather_sprites.h" #include "ybox3.h" //---------User Config------------// #define IR_RECEIVE_PIN 2 const char* ssid = "your-ssid-here"; const char* password = "your-ssid-password-here"; String owm_location = "your-open-weather-maps-location-here"; String owm_key = "your-open-weather-maps-key-here"; // timezone as UTC offset and text int timezone = -4; const char* tz_text = "EST5EDT"; //-------------------------------// int sprite_w = 45; int sprite_h = 32; int yPosition = 260; bool fetch = true; unsigned long lastUpdate = 0; unsigned long lastMillis = 0; unsigned long lastScroll = 0; int LOOP_DELAY = 30000; int scrollTime = 30; char dayBuffer[10]; char dateBuffer[20]; char timeBuffer[10]; String weatherEndpoint = "" + owm_location + "&appid=" + owm_key; String clockEndpoint = ""; String apiEndpoint = clockEndpoint; String channelNow = "clock"; DVIGFX8 display(DVI_RES_320x240p60, true, adafruit_dvibell_cfg); #define YBOTTOM 123 // Ball Y coord at bottom #define YBOUNCE -3.5 // Upward velocity on ball bounce // Ball coordinates are stored floating-point because screen refresh // is so quick, whole-pixel movements are just too fast! float ballx = 20.0, bally = YBOTTOM, // Current ball position ballvx = 0.8, ballvy = YBOUNCE, // Ball velocity ballframe = 3; // Ball animation frame # int balloldx = ballx, balloldy = bally; // Prior ball position void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); while ( !Serial ) delay(10); // Connect to WiFi Serial.println(); Serial.print("Connecting to "); Serial.println(ssid); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); } Serial.println(); Serial.println("WiFi connected"); Serial.println("starting picodvi.."); if (!display.begin()) { // Blink LED if insufficient RAM pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); for (;;) digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, (millis() / 500) & 1); } Serial.println("picodvi good to go"); resetPalette(); display.swap(true, true); // Duplicate same bg & palette into both buffers Serial.println("starting ir.."); IrReceiver.begin(IR_RECEIVE_PIN, ENABLE_LED_FEEDBACK); Serial.println("ir good to go"); lastMillis = millis(); } void loop() { if (channelNow == "bounce") { // bouncing ball screensaver written by Phil B. balloldx = (int16_t)ballx; // Save prior position balloldy = (int16_t)bally; ballx += ballvx; // Update position bally += ballvy; ballvy += 0.06; // Update Y velocity if((ballx <= 15) || (ballx >= display.width() - BALLWIDTH)) ballvx *= -1; // Left/right bounce if(bally >= YBOTTOM) { // Hit ground? bally = YBOTTOM; // Clip and ballvy = YBOUNCE; // bounce up } // Determine screen area to update. This is the bounds of the ball's // prior and current positions, so the old ball is fully erased and new // ball is fully drawn. int16_t minx, miny, maxx, maxy, width, height; // Determine bounds of prior and new positions minx = ballx; if(balloldx < minx) minx = balloldx; miny = bally; if(balloldy < miny) miny = balloldy; maxx = ballx + BALLWIDTH - 1; if((balloldx + BALLWIDTH - 1) > maxx) maxx = balloldx + BALLWIDTH - 1; maxy = bally + BALLHEIGHT - 1; if((balloldy + BALLHEIGHT - 1) > maxy) maxy = balloldy + BALLHEIGHT - 1; width = maxx - minx + 1; height = maxy - miny + 1; // Ball animation frame # is incremented opposite the ball's X velocity ballframe -= ballvx * 0.5; if(ballframe < 0) ballframe += 14; // Constrain from 0 to 13 else if(ballframe >= 14) ballframe -= 14; // Set 7 palette entries to white, 7 to red, based on frame number. // This makes the ball spin. for(uint8_t i=0; i<14; i++) { display.setColor(i + 4, ((((int)ballframe + i) % 14) < 7) ? 0xFFFF : 0xF800); } // Only the changed rectangle is drawn into the 'renderbuf' array... uint8_t c, *destPtr; int16_t bx = minx - (int)ballx, // X relative to ball bitmap (can be negative) by = miny - (int)bally, // Y relative to ball bitmap (can be negative) bgx = minx, // X relative to background bitmap (>= 0) bgy = miny, // Y relative to background bitmap (>= 0) x, y, bx1, bgx1; // Loop counters and working vars uint8_t p; // 'packed' value of 2 ball pixels int8_t bufIdx = 0; uint8_t *buf = display.getBuffer(); // -> back buffer for(y=0; y<height; y++) { // For each row... destPtr = &buf[display.width() * (miny + y) + minx]; bx1 = bx; // Need to keep the original bx and bgx values, bgx1 = bgx; // so copies of them are made here (and changed in loop below) for(x=0; x<width; x++) { if((bx1 >= 0) && (bx1 < BALLWIDTH) && // Is current pixel row/column (by >= 0) && (by < BALLHEIGHT)) { // inside the ball bitmap area? // Yes, do ball compositing math... p = ball[by][bx1 / 2]; // Get packed value (2 pixels) c = (bx1 & 1) ? (p & 0xF) : (p >> 4); // Unpack high or low nybble if(c == 0) { // Outside ball - just draw grid c = background[bgy][bgx1 / 8] & (0x80 >> (bgx1 & 7)) ? 1 : 0; } else if(c > 1) { // In ball area... c += 2; // Convert to color index >= 4 } else { // In shadow area, draw shaded grid... c = background[bgy][bgx1 / 8] & (0x80 >> (bgx1 & 7)) ? 3 : 2; } } else { // Outside ball bitmap, just draw background bitmap... c = background[bgy][bgx1 / 8] & (0x80 >> (bgx1 & 7)) ? 1 : 0; } *destPtr++ = c; // Store pixel color bx1++; // Increment bitmap position counters (X axis) bgx1++; } by++; // Increment bitmap position counters (Y axis) bgy++; } display.swap(true, false); // Show & copy current background buffer to next } else { if (millis() > (lastUpdate + LOOP_DELAY) or fetch) { fetch = false; if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) { HTTPClient http; http.begin(apiEndpoint); int httpResponseCode = http.GET(); if (httpResponseCode > 0) { String payload = http.getString(); Serial.println(payload); DynamicJsonDocument doc(1024); DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(doc, payload); if (!error) { if (channelNow == "weather") { String location = doc["name"].as<String>(); const char* weather = doc["weather"][0]["main"]; float temperature = doc["main"]["temp"]; int pressure = doc["main"]["pressure"]; int humid = doc["main"]["humidity"]; uint32_t datetime = doc["dt"]; String icon = doc["weather"][0]["icon"].as<String>(); String dtBuffer = unixTimeToReadable(datetime); float converted_temp = (temperature - 273.15) * 9/5 + 32; display.fillScreen(4); const uint16_t* bitmap = getIcon(icon); display.setCursor(100, 38); display.setFont(&FreeSans9pt7b); display.setTextColor(8); display.print(location); display.println(" Weather"); display.println(); display.drawRGBBitmap(0, sprite_h / 2, bitmap, sprite_w, sprite_h); display.drawRGBBitmap(320 - sprite_w, sprite_h / 2, bitmap, sprite_w, sprite_h); display.setTextColor(10); display.println(weather); display.setTextColor(7); display.print("Temperature: "); display.print(converted_temp); display.println(" F"); display.setTextColor(5); display.print("Humidity: "); display.print(humid); display.println(" %"); display.setTextColor(9); display.print("Barometric Pressure: "); display.print(pressure); display.println(" hPa"); display.println(); display.setTextColor(1); display.print("Fetched: "); display.println(dtBuffer); } else if (channelNow == "clock") { String datetime = doc["utc_datetime"].as<String>(); Serial.println(datetime); struct tm timeinfo = parseISO8601(datetime, timezone); strftime(dayBuffer, sizeof(dayBuffer), "%A", &timeinfo); strftime(dateBuffer, sizeof(dateBuffer), "%B %d, %Y", &timeinfo); strftime(timeBuffer, sizeof(timeBuffer), "%I:%M %p", &timeinfo); } else { Serial.print("deserializeJson() failed: "); Serial.println(error.f_str()); } } else { Serial.print("Error code: "); Serial.println(httpResponseCode); } http.end(); } else { Serial.println("WiFi Disconnected"); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); } lastUpdate = millis(); } } if (millis() > (lastScroll + scrollTime)) { if (channelNow == "clock") { display.fillRect(0, 160, 320, 240-160, 4); display.setFont(&FreeSansBold18pt7b); display.setTextColor(10); display.setCursor(55, yPosition); display.println("Today is "); display.setCursor(55, yPosition + 40); display.setTextColor(7); display.println(dayBuffer); display.setCursor(55, yPosition + 80); display.setTextColor(9); display.println(dateBuffer); display.setCursor(55, yPosition + 120); display.setTextColor(10); display.println("The time is "); display.setTextColor(5); display.setCursor(55, yPosition + 160); display.println(timeBuffer); display.drawRGBBitmap(0, 0, myBitmapybox3_bmp, 320, 162); yPosition--; // Move the text up if (yPosition < 0) { // Reset to below the display after text has scrolled up yPosition = 260; } } lastScroll = millis(); display.swap(true, false); } } if (IrReceiver.decode()) { if (IrReceiver.decodedIRData.protocol == NEC) { if (IrReceiver.decodedIRData.command == 0x10) { Serial.println("pressed 1"); display.fillScreen(4); fetch = true; resetPalette(); apiEndpoint = clockEndpoint; yPosition = 260; channelNow = "clock"; LOOP_DELAY = 30000; display.swap(true, true); } else if (IrReceiver.decodedIRData.command == 0x11) { Serial.println("pressed 2"); display.fillScreen(4); fetch = true; resetPalette(); apiEndpoint = weatherEndpoint; channelNow = "weather"; LOOP_DELAY = 300000; display.swap(true, true); } else if (IrReceiver.decodedIRData.command == 0x12) { Serial.println("pressed 3"); channelNow = "bounce"; // Draw initial framebuffer contents (grid, no shadow): display.drawBitmap(0, 0, (uint8_t *)background, 320, 240, 1, 0); } IrReceiver.resume(); } else { IrReceiver.resume(); } } } String unixTimeToReadable(uint32_t unixTime) { setenv("TZ", tz_text, 1); tzset(); struct tm timeinfo; time_t t = unixTime; localtime_r(&t, &timeinfo); char dBuffer[30]; strftime(dBuffer, sizeof(dBuffer), "%m/%d/%y", &timeinfo); char tBuffer[10]; strftime(tBuffer, sizeof(tBuffer), "%I:%M %p", &timeinfo); // Return seconds followed by the formatted date and time string return String(dBuffer) + " @ " + String(tBuffer); } struct tm parseISO8601(String d, int tzo) { struct tm tm; sscanf(d.c_str(), "%d-%d-%dT%d:%d:%d", &tm.tm_year, &tm.tm_mon, &tm.tm_mday, &tm.tm_hour, &tm.tm_min, &tm.tm_sec); tm.tm_year -= 1900; // Adjust since tm struct expects years since 1900 tm.tm_mon -= 1; // Adjust since tm struct expects months from 0-11 tm.tm_isdst = -1; Serial.println(tm.tm_hour); Serial.println(tzo); tm.tm_hour += tzo; // Apply timezone offset directly Serial.println(tm.tm_hour); mktime(&tm); // Normalize the tm struct after manual adjustments return tm; } void resetPalette() { display.setColor(0, 0xAD75); // #0 = Background color display.setColor(1, 0xA815); // #1 = Grid color display.setColor(2, 0x5285); // #2 = Background in shadow display.setColor(3, 0x600C); // #3 = Grid in shadow display.setColor(4, 0x0000); // black display.setColor(5, 0x057D); // blue display.setColor(6, 0xB77F); // light blue display.setColor(7, 0xE8E4); // red display.setColor(8, 0x3DA9); // green display.setColor(9, 0xFF80); // yellow display.setColor(10, 0xFFFF); // white display.setColor(11, 0x0021); display.setColor(12, 0x0020); display.setColor(13, 0xeca0); display.setColor(14, 0xec80); display.setColor(15, 0x0001); display.setColor(16, 0xfe43); display.setColor(17, 0x31eb); display.setColor(18, 0x320b); display.setColor(19, 0xad56); display.setColor(20, 0x1927); display.setColor(21, 0x4a4a); display.setColor(22, 0x73ae); display.setColor(23, 0x4249); display.setColor(24, 0x424a); display.setColor(25, 0x4a49); display.setColor(26, 0xfbe0); display.setColor(27, 0xfc00); display.setColor(28, 0xf3e0); display.setColor(29, 0x1947); display.setColor(30, 0xf400); display.setColor(31, 0x0821); display.setColor(32, 0x0800); display.setColor(33, 0xf500); display.setColor(34, 0xfd00); display.setColor(35, 0xf520); display.setColor(36, 0xfd20); display.setColor(37, 0xee43); display.setColor(38, 0xf643); display.setColor(39, 0xfe23); display.setColor(40, 0xee23); }
After downloading the files and opening them in the Arduino IDE, navigate to the .ino project file. At the top replace the following variables with your connection information:
- the pin for the IR receiver breakout. Defaults to 2. -
- your WiFi SSID -
- your WiFi SSID password -
- your location for OpenWeatherMaps, ex:"Boston,US"
- your OpenWeatherMaps key -
- your timezone as a UTC offset, ex:-4
for EST -
- your timezone as text, ex:"EST5EDT"
for EST
If you don't update the variables at the top of the code, the project will not work!
Upload the sketch to your board. The Pico W will connect to your WiFi network and begin the DVI output. You can use the Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE for debugging any errors. The code has error messages to let you know if any of the connection variables are missing or not working.
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