Build your next Internet of Things (IoT) project with a Raspberry Pi Pico W and a PiCowBell!
You can use Adafruit’s PiCowbell Proto board for the Raspberry Pi Pico to make your project plug-and-play.
It features a built-in reset button, a STEMMA QT port and lots of pins for additional add-ons.
Our 3D printed case makes it easy to wall mount so you can log sensor data with an all-in-one package.
There’s access to the USB port and the Pi Cow Bells Stemma QT port for easily connecting sensors over STEMMA QT.
On the back is an opening for the built-in reset button so you can press it without having to open the case.
The top cover features slots for mounting up to two STEMMA QT sensor boards.
The back has an opening for the prototyping area so you can pass through additional wires.
To make your projects modular, you can use short socket headers which keeps your project fairly low-profile.
Adafruit’s WipperSnapper now has support for the Raspberry Pi Pico W, so you can build projects without having to write any code.
With WipperSnapper, you can easily set up sensors and start logging data.

You can choose what length is best for you using STEMMA QT / Qwiic cables.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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