The PianoGlove uses a TCS34725 to sense colors, a NeoPixel LED to 'play' those colors back visually, a VS1053 Codec board to play them back aurally, and a Flora wearable microcontroller to handle all the conversion & communication between them.
Prerequisite guides:
To build your own PianoGlove, you'll need the following items:
- Flora
- VS1053 Codec Breakout (includes 3.5mm jack)
Lithium Ion Polymer Battery
- Flora Color Sensor
Flora RGB Smart Neo Pixel
Perma-Proto Half-sized Breadboard PCB
- Fabric glove
- Wire
- Needle & thread
- Soldering iron & solder
- Wire cutters
- Computer & USB cable to program Flora
In this tutorial, we'll be using an inexpensive black glove from a costume shop, but do feel free to experiment & improvise with any other types of gloves, wearables, or whatever inspires you.
Once you've gathered all your gear, we can move on to building the electronics …
Page last edited July 23, 2013
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