The Pi-Top is a cute kit that lets you add a monitor, keyboard, trackpad, to your Pi while making it easy to access hardware for DIY experimentation!
Come with us as we put together one....
The Pi-Top includes:
- LID - 13.3" screen
- Base
- Base Top (keybord/mouse)
- Acrylic slice
- Hub
- HDMI cable
- Micro USB cable
- GPIO Breakout cable
- Power Control cable
- Keyboard cable
- PCB Screws x8 (silver)
- PCB Spacers / Standoffs x8 (brass)
- M2.5 Nuts x9
- SML Allen Key (1.25mm)
- LRG Allen Key (2mm)
- Micro SD Card (Pi-Top pre-installed)
- AC to DC Adapter
- Mains Power Cable
The Pi-Top does not include a Raspberry Pi. You will want to pickup a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B or later for optimium performance.
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