The diagram below provides a visual reference for wiring of the components. This diagram was created using the software package Fritzing.
Adafruit Library for Fritzing
Use Adafruit's Fritzing parts library to create circuit diagrams for your projects. Download the library or just grab individual parts. Get the library and parts from GitHub - Adafruit Fritzing Parts.
TFT Display
- Vin from TFT to 3V3 on Pi
- Gnd from TFT to Gnd on Pi
- SCK from TFT to GPIO11 on Pi
- MISO from TFT to GPIO9 on Pi
- MOSI from TFT to GPIO10 on Pi
- TSC from TFT to GPIO8 on Pi
- RST from TFT to GPIO24 on Pi
- DC from TFT to GPIO25 on Pi
Momentary Button Switch with LED
- Anode(+) from LED to GPIO14 on Pi
- Cathode(–) from LED to GND on Pi
- Normally Open pin from switch to GPIO3 and GPIO27 on Pi
- Common pin from switch to GND on Pi
5V Fan
- Red wire from fan to 5V pin on Pi
- Black wire from fan to GND pin on Pi
Momentary Button Switches
- Button 1 to GND and GPIO12 on Pi
- Button 2 to GND and GPIO16 on Pi
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