- This last chunk of code will tell the speaker to sound the selected pitch when it hears a loud sound aka your breath!
- We'll say that if the magnitude of the sound is greater than 5000 (value defined earlier) then sound the current pitch.
- Next we create the pitch we want in the form of a sine wave that is created at the desired frequency.
- Then we’ll tell the speaker to play the pitch for 1 second.
- Lastly we tell the board to show the current value of the NeoPixels.
#If statement to trigger pitch when user blows into mic #We will say that on a any loud sound the pitch is triggered if magnitude > blowThresshold: #any time we get a sound with a magnitude greater than the value of blowThresshold, trigger the current pitch (can be changed at top where it is defined) SAMPLERATE = 8000 length = SAMPLERATE // FREQUENCY #create length of sample sine_wave = array.array("H", [0] * length) #create an array for a sine wave for i in range(length): sine_wave[i] = int(math.sin(math.pi * 2 * i / 18) * (2 ** 15) + 2 ** 15) #fill the array with values sample = audioio.AudioOut(board.SPEAKER, sine_wave) sample.frequency = SAMPLERATE sample.play(loop=True) # Play the sample time.sleep(pitchLength) # Play for length of pitchLength sample.stop() # we tell the board to stop pixels.show() #show the desired neopixel light up on board #End program!!!
All done with programming! Well almost...
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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